Friday, December 2, 2011

What is the opposite of the butterfly effect theory?

Since it's only a theory, something must be contradicting it. What is it?


If you don't believe in the butterfly effect theory, what do you believe?|||The butterfly effect isn't necessarily a theory, so much as an observation of the behavior of complex systems. The butterfly effect is just something that people use to describe the fact that for many non-linear systems, a slight change in initial conditions can lead to dramatically altered results. The larger field encompassing this sort of thought would be chaos theory.

If you wanted to pick an opposite to chaos theory it would probably be determinism, which is of the notion that with sufficient knowledge future events can be precisely predicted.|||The "butterfly effect" is not a theory. It's simply a popular phrase that describes sensitive dependence on initial conditions in chaos theory, which is a field of mathematics.

In other words, it's a tiny part of a much larger mathematical theory that describes the behavior of certain dynamical systems.

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