Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Is a butterfly knife that's less than two inches in length legal to carry in California?
Or do all butterfly knife owners have to keep their butterfly knives in their car or home?|||Yes. The prohibition upon switchblades and butterfly knives applies only if the blade is 2" or more in length (Pen C 653k). (Note, the knife WAS illegal, it would not be legal to have it in the car in a public place.)
Are there any specifications for butterfly knives in Alabama?
I recently purchased two butterfly knives online. I know that it is legal to posses and carry if not concealed, but are there any length specifications in Alabama? And if so, what are they?|||There is no length specified in Alabama law. You are correct in that you can open carry a butterfly knife, but be warned that it is a "gravity knife" and therefore classified automatically as a Deadly Weapon. If for some reason you use it in the commission of a crime you have the enhancement and using it on school grounds is a Class C Felony. You also need to check you school rule book, as there could be rules governing knives that if broken can get you suspended. It's not worth the hassle that could come with it.
How do you do a butterfly as a hockey goalie?
I know how to do a basic butterfly but i need to know how to do that thing where you push with your toe and are still on one knee and then you slide accross the crease.... help!|||Well to move in the butterfly position u don't need slippery pads, U need strong legs, but what you want to do is from the butterfly position lift one knee so u can get ur toe edge to the ice, then push, though the slick of the ice dose have a factor, if you are strong enough you can go crease to crease even with the ice all skated up|||Well i cant really help you cause my first time playing goalie which was 2 years ago when i was 11 everything i learned i learned from watching Marty Brodeur or it cam instinctively.
|||they really dnt need to be slippery..
just practice being in the croutch postion and pushing off ur toe and moving to the side at the same time that should help you get used to moving and it should come natural..
thats how i learned from my coach|||I CAN JUST DO IT I MEAN THE FIRST TIME I EVER PLAYED ON THE FIRST LOW SHOT I WENT DOWN AND I WAS IN THE BUTTERFLY SO I CANT HELP YOU|||when you push off you put the knee thats up down and take the other one and pull it up then the other then your in position|||A good example of a butterfly goalie would be a Patrick Roy. I always learned it as you drop to your knees, and shove your lower legs to the side. It's hard to practice if it doesn't come instinctively. Using it, you then can dig your toe in and push yourself across the crease. the object of it is to take up as much of the lower part of the net as possible. If you're gonna get beat, you try and get beat high. Typically, a butterfly goalie keeps his legs apart a little more than a stand up style goalie. If butterfly is not your thing (And it might not be) then Stand up or a hybrid idea might be more along the lines of what you wanna do (or even a Hextall Flop). Don't be afraid to find a goalie coach or anything like that (I found one that taught me well, and I live in Northern I'm sure you can find one where you live). Also, if you're playing roller or dek hockey and not ice hockey, butterfly is not the way to go unless you wear ice hockey pads with the booksox like cover. Good luck to you.
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|||they really dnt need to be slippery..
just practice being in the croutch postion and pushing off ur toe and moving to the side at the same time that should help you get used to moving and it should come natural..
thats how i learned from my coach|||I CAN JUST DO IT I MEAN THE FIRST TIME I EVER PLAYED ON THE FIRST LOW SHOT I WENT DOWN AND I WAS IN THE BUTTERFLY SO I CANT HELP YOU|||when you push off you put the knee thats up down and take the other one and pull it up then the other then your in position|||A good example of a butterfly goalie would be a Patrick Roy. I always learned it as you drop to your knees, and shove your lower legs to the side. It's hard to practice if it doesn't come instinctively. Using it, you then can dig your toe in and push yourself across the crease. the object of it is to take up as much of the lower part of the net as possible. If you're gonna get beat, you try and get beat high. Typically, a butterfly goalie keeps his legs apart a little more than a stand up style goalie. If butterfly is not your thing (And it might not be) then Stand up or a hybrid idea might be more along the lines of what you wanna do (or even a Hextall Flop). Don't be afraid to find a goalie coach or anything like that (I found one that taught me well, and I live in Northern I'm sure you can find one where you live). Also, if you're playing roller or dek hockey and not ice hockey, butterfly is not the way to go unless you wear ice hockey pads with the booksox like cover. Good luck to you.
Can you import a PRACTICE butterfly knife from California USA to Toronto Canada?
I wan't to buy a practice butterfly knife from ebay but I don't know if it is legal to import a fake knife from California to Toronto. I mean it's fake the blade is dull and cannot be sharpend can you please tell me if it is legal. I already know its legal to keep indors.|||The only problem I see is Customs and what they will allow to pass through.|||Yes, any practice knife can be imported, and is not illegal unless you threaten someone with it as though it were a real knife.
How do you say black butterfly in japanese?
My boyfriend always calls me his "black butterfly" and I just wanted to be able to be able to say it in japanese. Any help would be appreciated.|||黒い蝶 (kuroi chou, pronounced "koo-roy cho") = black butterfly
It's also fashionable to say phrases like that in "Engrish," spelled in the alphabet they use for foreign words and names, called "katakana." So you could say: ブラクバタフライ (bu-ra-ku-ba-ta-fu-ra-i, pronounced "brak butafry").|||"black butterfly" is "黒い蝶" in Japanese.
"koku tyou" sounds "黒鳥=blach bird" for me.
"黒い蝶" sounds like mysterious and dangerous woman.
But it's very old. We don't call anyone "黒い蝶" now.
I'm Japanese.|||黒い蝶々(kuroi chocho) means black butterfly. You could also say か黒い蝶々(kaguroi chocho) which means more like onyx, jet, or deep black butterfly. It might be a little bit more evocative.|||use a translator?
It's also fashionable to say phrases like that in "Engrish," spelled in the alphabet they use for foreign words and names, called "katakana." So you could say: ブラクバタフライ (bu-ra-ku-ba-ta-fu-ra-i, pronounced "brak butafry").|||"black butterfly" is "黒い蝶" in Japanese.
"koku tyou" sounds "黒鳥=blach bird" for me.
"黒い蝶" sounds like mysterious and dangerous woman.
But it's very old. We don't call anyone "黒い蝶" now.
I'm Japanese.|||黒い蝶々(kuroi chocho) means black butterfly. You could also say か黒い蝶々(kaguroi chocho) which means more like onyx, jet, or deep black butterfly. It might be a little bit more evocative.|||use a translator?
What genre is bullet with butterfly wings?
I love the song bullet with butterfly wings by Smashing Pumpkins. And I like the style of the song. Please tell me songs similar to it, or tell me the genre!|||I used to call it "indie alternative", but the definition of that term has changed in the past decade. If you like that song, you'll likely enjoy everything else the Smashing Pumpkins ever recorded, as well as most of the songs recorded by the following artists: The Violent Femmes, Sonic Youth, The Pixies, Jane's Addiction, The Jesus %26amp; Mary Chain, Placebo, R.E.M., Our Lady Peace, Marcy Playground %26amp; The Verve.
Can I put an African Butterfly Fish ( Pantodon Buchholzi ) in my tank with neons and guppys?
Today I saw in a store an African Butterfly Fish. I never have seen it. My tank is 60 litres (15.85 gallons).
I have 7 neons, 3 guppys (will have more certainly, they will reproduce) end two trichogaster...
Is it okay to have to fish? What it eats?|||I would suggest that you put the African Butterfly Fish in a breeding tank for the time being and possibly get another tank or elsewise you might not have many fish left|||African butterfly fish get pretty big compared to your other fish, and eat everything that fits into its mouth. Most people feed them crickets and other bugs. So if you get one, there is a good chance if your other fish get to close, you won't have them anymore.
I have 7 neons, 3 guppys (will have more certainly, they will reproduce) end two trichogaster...
Is it okay to have to fish? What it eats?|||I would suggest that you put the African Butterfly Fish in a breeding tank for the time being and possibly get another tank or elsewise you might not have many fish left|||African butterfly fish get pretty big compared to your other fish, and eat everything that fits into its mouth. Most people feed them crickets and other bugs. So if you get one, there is a good chance if your other fish get to close, you won't have them anymore.
What strength training can i do to help me with my butterfly?
Specifically with free weights. I do a lot of ab work already, but any suggestions there would be appreciated too.
I swim butterfly but I'm looking to shave some time off my 100 and 200. I've gotten myself into great shape from running and stuff so I'm not usually short of breath during my races. but sometimes it feels like my arms start to give out after a 75 or 100. i really just need exercises that will help with fly, so back, shoulder, arms, etc.
|||Try push-ups and palm-out chin-ups and free weights for your trapezius muscles.
I swim butterfly but I'm looking to shave some time off my 100 and 200. I've gotten myself into great shape from running and stuff so I'm not usually short of breath during my races. but sometimes it feels like my arms start to give out after a 75 or 100. i really just need exercises that will help with fly, so back, shoulder, arms, etc.
|||Try push-ups and palm-out chin-ups and free weights for your trapezius muscles.
What is the best way to adjust goalie pads to a butterfly style?
i was just wondering what the most comfortable way to adjust bottom pads for a butterfly style. I want to make sure the pad is upright when i am down and not crooked. Any suggestions?|||pads are not specifically made for stand up, butterfly and hybrid goaltending. Nowadays, nearly every goalie is considered a hybrid goalie, because that is the most effective approach to playing goal. If you are trying to get your pads to roll out so they are "upright" when you go down, you will want to have them a bit loose. I would keep the bottom strap fairly firm where it connects with the skate, anything loose there will feel weird to play in. Then as you do your straps, the higher up your leg you go, make it looser and looser. This should allow the pad to "roll" as you go down and flair out so that the front surface of the pad is facing out and not crooked. I hope this helps.|||don't play butterfly style.that's stupid and a bunch of goalies lost their starting positions because of it. the butterfly should be used as one of many save selections in your arsenal. but to help your butterfly, loosen your straps, and where you tie your pad to the skate (on the toe of the pad) make an anchor in the lase to allow for better mobility. the best thing to do though is to work on your flexibility.|||Pads are specifically made for either stand-up, butterfly or hybrid goalies.|||loosen the straps. This makes it almost impossible for the pads to fall with the face on the ice.
How long will the lime butterfly eggs will hatch?
I want to know it. Because I found some lime butterfly eggs in my citrus plants. And How would I know if they are ready to hatch. What color are they if they are ready to hatch?. How long will it take them to hatch?|||Lime butterflies lay single round and light yellowish in colour egg which hatches into an immature larva in about six days or more.
The immature larvae are black, yellow, and white with spikes which resemble a bird droppings as a camouflage. It will continue growing to be a mature larvae at about 10-15 mm in length. The mature larvae are green with white or pink markings and eyespots which can grow up to 45 mm to become a caterpillar.
The immature larvae are black, yellow, and white with spikes which resemble a bird droppings as a camouflage. It will continue growing to be a mature larvae at about 10-15 mm in length. The mature larvae are green with white or pink markings and eyespots which can grow up to 45 mm to become a caterpillar.
How many legs does a butterfly have?
I have a newly hatched Monarch Butterfly. And it only has four legs i thought incects had 6 legs?|||the answer is six
Their taste sensors are located in the feet, and by standing on their food, they can taste it!
All butterflies have SIX legs and feet. In some species such as the monarch, the front pair of legs remains tucked up under the body most of the time, and are difficult to see.
The life cycle of a Monarch includes a change of form called complete metamorphosis. The Monarch goes through four radically different stages:
The eggs are laid by the females during spring and summer breeding months.
The eggs hatch, revealing worm-like larva, the caterpillars. The caterpillars consume their egg cases, then feed on milkweed, and sequester substances called cardenolides, related to the cardiac glycoside digitalis. During the caterpillar stage, Monarchs store energy in the form of fat and nutrients to carry them through the non-feeding pupa stage.
In the pupa or chrysalis stage, the caterpillar spins a silk pad on a twig, leaf, etc. and hangs from this pad by its last pair of prolegs. It hangs upside down in the shape of a 'J', and then molts, leaving itself encased in an articulated green exoskeleton. At this point, hormonal changes occur, leading to the development of a butterfly.
The mature butterfly emerges after about two weeks and feeds on a variety of flowers, including milkweed flowers, red clover, and goldenrod.
Monarch butterfly laying eggs
Monarch eggs on Swan Plant
Monarch caterpillars
Monarch caterpillar begining pupation
Monarch butterfly chrysalis
Emerging from chrysalis[edit]
The mating period for the overwinter population occurs in the spring, just prior to migration from the overwintering sites. The courtship is fairly simple and less dependent on chemical pheromones in comparison with other species in its genus. Courtship is composed of two distinct stages, the aerial phase and the ground phase. During the aerial phase, the male pursues, nudges, and eventually takes down the female. Copulation occurs during the ground phase and involves the transfer of a spermatophore from the male to female. Along with sperm, the spermatophore is thought to provide the female with energy resources that aid her in carrying out reproduction and remigration. The overwinter population returns only as far north as they need to go to find the early milkweed growth; in the case of the eastern butterflies that is commonly southern Texas.
An albino Monarch butterflyOnce they reach their breeding grounds, the females lay their eggs on milkweed host plants. The egg and larval period is temperature dependent and lasts about 2 weeks. At the end of this period, the larva enter a period of pupation as a chrysalis for 9 to 15 days, after which an adult butterfly emerges to continue the next step of the annual migration. On some remote islands, the monarch never migrates but remains in the garden where it was "born".|||6 it must be a birth defect|||good question,i cant remember how many they have. you could look it up|||as far as i know they hav 6 legs...mayb that one is|||6, its an insect|||Count it silly.|||oh.. i thought six too..|||I don't think it has any just wings, antennas, eyes, etc. The basics|||its an insect and all insects have 6 legs|||6 as any insect
Their taste sensors are located in the feet, and by standing on their food, they can taste it!
All butterflies have SIX legs and feet. In some species such as the monarch, the front pair of legs remains tucked up under the body most of the time, and are difficult to see.
The life cycle of a Monarch includes a change of form called complete metamorphosis. The Monarch goes through four radically different stages:
The eggs are laid by the females during spring and summer breeding months.
The eggs hatch, revealing worm-like larva, the caterpillars. The caterpillars consume their egg cases, then feed on milkweed, and sequester substances called cardenolides, related to the cardiac glycoside digitalis. During the caterpillar stage, Monarchs store energy in the form of fat and nutrients to carry them through the non-feeding pupa stage.
In the pupa or chrysalis stage, the caterpillar spins a silk pad on a twig, leaf, etc. and hangs from this pad by its last pair of prolegs. It hangs upside down in the shape of a 'J', and then molts, leaving itself encased in an articulated green exoskeleton. At this point, hormonal changes occur, leading to the development of a butterfly.
The mature butterfly emerges after about two weeks and feeds on a variety of flowers, including milkweed flowers, red clover, and goldenrod.
Monarch butterfly laying eggs
Monarch eggs on Swan Plant
Monarch caterpillars
Monarch caterpillar begining pupation
Monarch butterfly chrysalis
Emerging from chrysalis[edit]
The mating period for the overwinter population occurs in the spring, just prior to migration from the overwintering sites. The courtship is fairly simple and less dependent on chemical pheromones in comparison with other species in its genus. Courtship is composed of two distinct stages, the aerial phase and the ground phase. During the aerial phase, the male pursues, nudges, and eventually takes down the female. Copulation occurs during the ground phase and involves the transfer of a spermatophore from the male to female. Along with sperm, the spermatophore is thought to provide the female with energy resources that aid her in carrying out reproduction and remigration. The overwinter population returns only as far north as they need to go to find the early milkweed growth; in the case of the eastern butterflies that is commonly southern Texas.
An albino Monarch butterflyOnce they reach their breeding grounds, the females lay their eggs on milkweed host plants. The egg and larval period is temperature dependent and lasts about 2 weeks. At the end of this period, the larva enter a period of pupation as a chrysalis for 9 to 15 days, after which an adult butterfly emerges to continue the next step of the annual migration. On some remote islands, the monarch never migrates but remains in the garden where it was "born".|||6 it must be a birth defect|||good question,i cant remember how many they have. you could look it up|||as far as i know they hav 6 legs...mayb that one is|||6, its an insect|||Count it silly.|||oh.. i thought six too..|||I don't think it has any just wings, antennas, eyes, etc. The basics|||its an insect and all insects have 6 legs|||6 as any insect
What strength training can i do to help me with my butterfly?
Specifically with free weights. I do a lot of ab work already, but any suggestions there would be appreciated too.
I swim butterfly but I'm looking to shave some time off my 100 and 200. I've gotten myself into great shape from running and stuff so I'm not usually short of breath during my races. but sometimes it feels like my arms start to give out after a 75 or 100. i really just need exercises that will help with fly, so back, shoulder, arms, etc.
thanks!|||Work on your back muscles. But since you said your arm gives out then work on your tri-ceps.
I swim butterfly but I'm looking to shave some time off my 100 and 200. I've gotten myself into great shape from running and stuff so I'm not usually short of breath during my races. but sometimes it feels like my arms start to give out after a 75 or 100. i really just need exercises that will help with fly, so back, shoulder, arms, etc.
thanks!|||Work on your back muscles. But since you said your arm gives out then work on your tri-ceps.
What time of year is appropriate to plant Clemetis Vines and Butterfly Bushes?
I am currently in the process of planting my perennials for next year, mainly tulips, daffodills and Hostas. I want to plant some Butterfly Bushes and Clemetis vines as well, but I am not sure if I should do this now (October/fall) or wait until the Spring? I live in zone 5 (Chicago, IL). Any assistance is greatly appreciated!|||clematis and butterfly bushes are deciduous and therefore will go to sleep towards the end of fall, lose their leaves and then slumber... transplanting them from a store pot into the ground is a great idea right now because they shouldn't go into transplant shock... the roots are not tender shoots right now like they will be in the spring... this plant will have no idea that its being transplanted and it will wake up established and ready to go.
i know its hard to look at this way because everyone goes nuts gardening in the spring.. but for bushes and trees NOW is the time to transplant...|||Any transplant will be better off if planted when the weather is not hot and the ground has enough moisture to keep the roots wet. Spring and fall are the best times to transplant anything. Make sure you mulch the plants to keep them moist.|||you can do it now|||Fall is an excellent time to plant butterfly bush and clematis in zone 5. Buy healthy plants from a local nursery - they should all be on clearance right now as well which is an extra plus! Water well when you plant and be sure that the new plants will receive enough water until the ground freezes.
i know its hard to look at this way because everyone goes nuts gardening in the spring.. but for bushes and trees NOW is the time to transplant...|||Any transplant will be better off if planted when the weather is not hot and the ground has enough moisture to keep the roots wet. Spring and fall are the best times to transplant anything. Make sure you mulch the plants to keep them moist.|||you can do it now|||Fall is an excellent time to plant butterfly bush and clematis in zone 5. Buy healthy plants from a local nursery - they should all be on clearance right now as well which is an extra plus! Water well when you plant and be sure that the new plants will receive enough water until the ground freezes.
Lemon tree - is a big black butterfly a pest?
I have a young lemon tree in a container in on my balcony in Sydney. WHen I first brought it home it got some kind of wormy pest that made the leaves curl. I picked off the affected leaves and sprayed the tree with white oil and it has done very well for the last 2 months. TOday I noticed a beautiful huge black butterfly playing for ages on the leaves. But the tree is not in fruit or flower. I love the butterfly, but it suddenly occured to me that it could have laid eggs or something on the leaves previously, and that is what the wormy pests were before. Is this possible? Should I spray white oil again? If the butterfly is not a pest I don't want to spray white oil because I love the butterfly and would like it to come and visit.|||no its really good for the tree|||Not likely. Let it be. Lemon trees are pretty hardy anyway, so just keep feeding and using the successful oil treatments, if necessary.|||I live in California, so I can't give you specifics unfortunately. What I would do is check out this site. I noticed they had a forum too. It is a site for Integrated Pest Management and helps you to identify pests and then figure out how to deal with them in the least toxic manner.
Honestly, I probably wouldn't worry about the butterfly. Odds are that if you see caterpillars, which are their larva, you'll be able to pick them off without using any oil. I'm not exactly sure what white oil is, but it doesn't sound like it would be useful in this situation.
This is a site based on California pests, but it may have some ideas if you are really interested (ignore if you aren't!). It's very good for this area, but I'm not sure how good it is for yours.鈥?/a>
Good luck!|||Its just a butterfly... and just a lemon tree... cmon...|||Butterflies like bees polinate the flowers. Do not spray. Also is you see wasps around your lemon tree let them be. They eat the bad bugs off you tree. Many lemon growers bring the wasps to their groves. I have a beautiful lemon tree and the wasps are very happy to eat th bad bugs of my tree.
Honestly, I probably wouldn't worry about the butterfly. Odds are that if you see caterpillars, which are their larva, you'll be able to pick them off without using any oil. I'm not exactly sure what white oil is, but it doesn't sound like it would be useful in this situation.
This is a site based on California pests, but it may have some ideas if you are really interested (ignore if you aren't!). It's very good for this area, but I'm not sure how good it is for yours.鈥?/a>
Good luck!|||Its just a butterfly... and just a lemon tree... cmon...|||Butterflies like bees polinate the flowers. Do not spray. Also is you see wasps around your lemon tree let them be. They eat the bad bugs off you tree. Many lemon growers bring the wasps to their groves. I have a beautiful lemon tree and the wasps are very happy to eat th bad bugs of my tree.
How can you catch a butterfly with a net?
my friend and i really want a butterfly because i caught one for her but i had to let it go. Plz answer the first answer that makes sense and is helpful gets the best answer.|||I had to catch several butterflies for my entomology class. Use a net with a long handle. That will give you more reach. After you scoop it in the net, carefully fold the wings up while he's still in it. Then, reach in and grab it by the wings (still folded up) with your thumb and forefinger. Carry a supply of small envelopes with you and put him into one to keep his wings folded up, until you can take him home and put him in a cage or where ever.
As far as milkweed, it's common around here. I work with it at my job at the horticulture department of Fullerton College. If you're ever around, stop by.
As far as milkweed, it's common around here. I work with it at my job at the horticulture department of Fullerton College. If you're ever around, stop by.
What strength training can i do to help me with my butterfly?
Specifically with free weights. I do a lot of ab work already, but any suggestions there would be appreciated too.
I swim butterfly but I'm looking to shave some time off my 100 and 200. I've gotten myself into great shape from running and stuff so I'm not usually short of breath during my races. but sometimes it feels like my arms start to give out after a 75 or 100. i really just need exercises that will help with fly, so back, shoulder, arms, etc.
|||this site has lots of exercises with video clips, you can choose by equipment type and muscles you want to work鈥?/a>
I swim butterfly but I'm looking to shave some time off my 100 and 200. I've gotten myself into great shape from running and stuff so I'm not usually short of breath during my races. but sometimes it feels like my arms start to give out after a 75 or 100. i really just need exercises that will help with fly, so back, shoulder, arms, etc.
|||this site has lots of exercises with video clips, you can choose by equipment type and muscles you want to work鈥?/a>
What is the song called containing the word butterfly?
It was sung by a male vocal and I think it was pop. I recently heard the song today at the mall. The chorus, had the word butterfly or butterflies. This song must been new since it was on the radio. I'm going insane looking for it, it was a really nice song too.|||Butterfly - Crazy Town - from the Gift of Game album
What does the movie the Butterfly Effect have with psychology?
I am watching the movie 'The Butterfly Effect" with Ashton Kutcher in psychology class. I have to describe how the movie relates to psychology and I am having a hard time understanding how it does. If you could give me a short summary about how it does that would be great. Thanks.|||things that happened in the children's early life, pattterned they way they were when they grew up.
Where can I find nice butterfly designs?
I'm planning to go for my first tattoo - both my sisters have two and my bestie one - and a butterfly has a high sentimental value to me. Does anyone know where i can find a stencil or design that i can show my artist?|||try google images///////////
Can Milkweed Beetles and Monarch Butterfly caterpillars coexist on milkweed plants?
Each year it seems as though there are many more beetles and far fewer Monarch butterfly eggs.
This year there seems to to be an exponentially higher number of beetles. A few of the plants are turning yellow.
I would really appreciate and help on this.|||They may coexist, with a decrease in their potential for growth. For this to occur, they must partition the resource.|||Thank you
This year there seems to to be an exponentially higher number of beetles. A few of the plants are turning yellow.
I would really appreciate and help on this.|||They may coexist, with a decrease in their potential for growth. For this to occur, they must partition the resource.|||Thank you
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What is a good beginner butterfly knife?
I just talked my dad to finally agree to get me a butterfly knife.. but i don't know witch ones are good for beginners.
I saw some videos on Youtube but the only thing i got from them is that cheap knives are bad and the break easily.
So can you people help?|||This is a good entry level butterfly.鈥?/a>
about 35 bucks, the only problem that you might have with it is the weight, for the type of knife a balisong is, the weight of this one is pretty hefty. If you want something lighter, you'll have to pay more for the quality of materials used in it.
Check out this link here for the list of butterflys for sale on that auction site.鈥?/a>
If you must have a low end butterfly, the jaguar isn't too bad, don't expect much out of it.|||Okay, if you're wanting to learn how to "twirl", I'd recommend getting a decent cheap brand (Jag was mentioned) and then taking a file and file down the sharp edges of the blade. Practice with that first :).
As far as real knives that are good, I like Benchmade. They're not that expensive, and they last forever (unless you "twirl" on a concrete floor).|||If you want to do aerials and nutty stuff, buy yourself a good trainer. You will be glad you did later.
They sell good ones at|||Balisong|||Get a Buck|||have u looked at SOG Knives they are my favorite and the last for ever!
I saw some videos on Youtube but the only thing i got from them is that cheap knives are bad and the break easily.
So can you people help?|||This is a good entry level butterfly.鈥?/a>
about 35 bucks, the only problem that you might have with it is the weight, for the type of knife a balisong is, the weight of this one is pretty hefty. If you want something lighter, you'll have to pay more for the quality of materials used in it.
Check out this link here for the list of butterflys for sale on that auction site.鈥?/a>
If you must have a low end butterfly, the jaguar isn't too bad, don't expect much out of it.|||Okay, if you're wanting to learn how to "twirl", I'd recommend getting a decent cheap brand (Jag was mentioned) and then taking a file and file down the sharp edges of the blade. Practice with that first :).
As far as real knives that are good, I like Benchmade. They're not that expensive, and they last forever (unless you "twirl" on a concrete floor).|||If you want to do aerials and nutty stuff, buy yourself a good trainer. You will be glad you did later.
They sell good ones at|||Balisong|||Get a Buck|||have u looked at SOG Knives they are my favorite and the last for ever!
How can you preserve a butterfly wing pendant?
I received a butterfly wing pendant from my boyfriend three years ago, and it has slowly started getting darker and darker. My thought is that it is decaying. What is the best way to preserve something like that and keep it safe and clean? I obviously can't reverse the process but is there anything I can do to slow or stop it?|||Try fiberglass resin. Build a small frame in any shape you want, fill it half full, place the wing inside, and cover it with more resin.
How long does it take a catapillar to go from a crysalis to a butterfly?
My sisters and the kids that come to my house to be babysat are watching catapillar's go from a egg to a catapillar, to a crysilis, to a butterfly. They are all in the crysalis part but we want to know about how long until they are butterflies.|||If it is actually a butterfly pupa, probably around 10-14 days.|||You might want to check out this website...鈥?/a>
It has all kinds of information and it's designed for kids.|||鈥?/a>|||depends on species鈥?/a>
It has all kinds of information and it's designed for kids.|||鈥?/a>|||depends on species
Does anyone know where i can find good pictures of butterflies for butterfly tattoo?
I want to get 2 small butterflies, does anyone know any good sites (free!), or just a great website with butterfly pictures?
Thank you in advance!|||鈥?/a>|||Try google images. You should find lots of pictures there. I found tons of pictures of fairies on that.|||you'll be able to find them on any search engine..
chances are they'll have them displayed at your nearest tattoo shop aswell :)
Thank you in advance!|||鈥?/a>|||Try google images. You should find lots of pictures there. I found tons of pictures of fairies on that.|||you'll be able to find them on any search engine..
chances are they'll have them displayed at your nearest tattoo shop aswell :)
How to act less shy and more like a social butterfly?
How to act less shy and more like a social butterfly?
Ok, I would say I am a normal person. I used to be very shy and would barely talk, but now I do talk a good amount, but at social stuff like after school, in the courtyard I am withdrawn sometimes especially after school. It seems like everyone has tons of friends, they don't need me to talk to them. Can you give me some tips so that I have more of a range of people to talk to than people who sit around me in class. Tips please!|||When I am new at a school, I just decide I am going to be friends with this person or that person and I just go for it. I join the group whether they like it or not. Not everyone in the group has to be the chatter box, so you could just stand with a group and make pleasant conversation. Try answering questions in polls and surveys so you get good at answering random questions. The questions change all the time, so write down questions that are fun and interesting to you. Yahoo answers has a great entertainment section with categories like jokes and riddles and polls and surveys. It is always nice to have a good joke to tell, so write some down so you don't forget the punch line. Polls and surveys has a lot of fun questions, so make a list of questions that are fun and interesting to you so you have something to ask when the conversation stalls.
Where鈥檚 the last place you would want to be seen?
What scares you the most?
Scariest/weirdest dream you ever had?
If you could reverse time, what would you do differently?
What鈥檚 going through your mind right now?
Tell me something fun about yourself?
What鈥檚 the best dream you ever had?
What makes you happy?
Do you ever get a song stuck in your head? What song?
How has the recession affected you, your family?
Tell me about a personal experience in your life?
How many countries have you been to? What was your favorite one?
What is your favorite kind of food, Italian, Chinese, French, Mexican鈥??
What is your favorite movie, song, book?
When have you felt the most lost?
What was your favorite pet?
What is the most expensive/strangest thing you ever bought?
Where鈥檚 the strangest place you ever fell asleep?
What is the longest amount of time you ever stayed awake, and for what reason?
Have you ever done anything on a dare?
Have you ever walked into the wrong public restroom?
If you could teach the world to sing, what song would you choose?
If you were born the opposite sex, what would you have been named.
What is a gift you wish you were born with?
What's an assumption people make about you , that couldn't be more wrong?
If you could only hear one song for the rest of your life, what song would you choose?
What did you love to do when you were a child, that you stopped doing when you grew up?
Name something you learned not to do, only after you did it.
Ok, I would say I am a normal person. I used to be very shy and would barely talk, but now I do talk a good amount, but at social stuff like after school, in the courtyard I am withdrawn sometimes especially after school. It seems like everyone has tons of friends, they don't need me to talk to them. Can you give me some tips so that I have more of a range of people to talk to than people who sit around me in class. Tips please!|||When I am new at a school, I just decide I am going to be friends with this person or that person and I just go for it. I join the group whether they like it or not. Not everyone in the group has to be the chatter box, so you could just stand with a group and make pleasant conversation. Try answering questions in polls and surveys so you get good at answering random questions. The questions change all the time, so write down questions that are fun and interesting to you. Yahoo answers has a great entertainment section with categories like jokes and riddles and polls and surveys. It is always nice to have a good joke to tell, so write some down so you don't forget the punch line. Polls and surveys has a lot of fun questions, so make a list of questions that are fun and interesting to you so you have something to ask when the conversation stalls.
Where鈥檚 the last place you would want to be seen?
What scares you the most?
Scariest/weirdest dream you ever had?
If you could reverse time, what would you do differently?
What鈥檚 going through your mind right now?
Tell me something fun about yourself?
What鈥檚 the best dream you ever had?
What makes you happy?
Do you ever get a song stuck in your head? What song?
How has the recession affected you, your family?
Tell me about a personal experience in your life?
How many countries have you been to? What was your favorite one?
What is your favorite kind of food, Italian, Chinese, French, Mexican鈥??
What is your favorite movie, song, book?
When have you felt the most lost?
What was your favorite pet?
What is the most expensive/strangest thing you ever bought?
Where鈥檚 the strangest place you ever fell asleep?
What is the longest amount of time you ever stayed awake, and for what reason?
Have you ever done anything on a dare?
Have you ever walked into the wrong public restroom?
If you could teach the world to sing, what song would you choose?
If you were born the opposite sex, what would you have been named.
What is a gift you wish you were born with?
What's an assumption people make about you , that couldn't be more wrong?
If you could only hear one song for the rest of your life, what song would you choose?
What did you love to do when you were a child, that you stopped doing when you grew up?
Name something you learned not to do, only after you did it.
How to act less shy and more like a social butterfly?
How to act less shy and more like a social butterfly?
Ok, I would say I am a normal person. I used to be very shy and would barely talk, but now I do talk a good amount, but at social stuff like after school, in the courtyard I am withdrawn sometimes especially after school. It seems like everyone has tons of friends, they don't need me to talk to them. Can you give me some tips so that I have more of a range of people to talk to than people who sit around me in class. Tips please!|||I guess i could say just take some risks, since your not as shy as you used to be, just walk up and start listening, who knows, they might just ask your opinion on something.|||Find people with your interests, they'll like you. :)
Ok, I would say I am a normal person. I used to be very shy and would barely talk, but now I do talk a good amount, but at social stuff like after school, in the courtyard I am withdrawn sometimes especially after school. It seems like everyone has tons of friends, they don't need me to talk to them. Can you give me some tips so that I have more of a range of people to talk to than people who sit around me in class. Tips please!|||I guess i could say just take some risks, since your not as shy as you used to be, just walk up and start listening, who knows, they might just ask your opinion on something.|||Find people with your interests, they'll like you. :)
How to act less shy and more like a social butterfly?
How to act less shy and more like a social butterfly?
Ok, I would say I am a normal person. I used to be very shy and would barely talk, but now I do talk a good amount, but at social stuff like after school, in the courtyard I am withdrawn sometimes especially after school. It seems like everyone has tons of friends, they don't need me to talk to them. Can you give me some tips so that I have more of a range of people to talk to than people who sit around me in class. Tips please!|||Trust me, i know the feeling. :)
To be perfectly honest, being a "social butterfly" might not be a great choice for you. All you need is one really good friend. That's what I have, and it makes things way less complicated. When you have a lot of friends, you get betrayed, talked about, etc. and it's not a very healthy lifestyle. You always walk away wondering if people talked bad about you behind your back and chances are, they did, even if they were nice to your face.
Try not to go looking for a bunch of people to "hang out" with. When you meet someone really nice talk to them, maybe do them a favor. You will find a best friend soon hopefully. :)
Ok, I would say I am a normal person. I used to be very shy and would barely talk, but now I do talk a good amount, but at social stuff like after school, in the courtyard I am withdrawn sometimes especially after school. It seems like everyone has tons of friends, they don't need me to talk to them. Can you give me some tips so that I have more of a range of people to talk to than people who sit around me in class. Tips please!|||Trust me, i know the feeling. :)
To be perfectly honest, being a "social butterfly" might not be a great choice for you. All you need is one really good friend. That's what I have, and it makes things way less complicated. When you have a lot of friends, you get betrayed, talked about, etc. and it's not a very healthy lifestyle. You always walk away wondering if people talked bad about you behind your back and chances are, they did, even if they were nice to your face.
Try not to go looking for a bunch of people to "hang out" with. When you meet someone really nice talk to them, maybe do them a favor. You will find a best friend soon hopefully. :)
What is the symbolic meaning of a blue butterfly?
What is the symbolic meaning of a blue butterfly?
I also have another question what would be the symbolic meaning of a blue butterfly engulfed in blue %26amp; white flames?
I love blue butterflies so thought I would ask to see if they had any symbolic meaning in folk lore %26amp; mythology.|||I think it means you like butterflys and the color blue.
azn song
ay ay ay your my little buttery fly
i need to find my samuri wat is it called and who is it by|||"Butterfly" by DJ Mystik
or|||who sings it
ay ay ay your my little buttery fly
i need to find my samuri wat is it called and who is it by|||"Butterfly" by DJ Mystik
or|||who sings it
Okay, so when I swim fly, I look epileptic.
What's up with that?
I can swim ANY stroke indefinately, and fly only like, 50 meters and then I die.
Also when I reach the 25 meter line, my arms just don't come over the water again, and it looks all sloppy.
Also, my fly kick is very weak since I have no idea how to do it, should your fingers be pointed? Do you move your hips, thighs, or the part of your legs under the knees?|||Well acually you anly move your knees, amd by the way can i mail you sometime?|||You move your whole legs in like a wave motion starting with hips then thighs then knees and then feet. You have to start the kick at the same time your arms are pushing you out of the water, to give you more leverage. Its hard to explain on a computer. Do you have a coach you can ask for extra help with this? Its all about endurance and some people it just comes naturally to.
I had the same problem in High School when I was on swimming. I would be set to swim the 200IM or the 50 fly and after the 25 meters of fly I would be dying. All I can say is practice practice practice.|||The secret to swimming butterfly well is to sweep your hands close together when they come under your body. Many people's hands are to far apart because it seems eaiser. However, it's actually harder because you don't get as much power when your hands are far apart and you have to take more strokes to get where you're going.
Your entire stroke should come from the core of your body (i.e. abs, hips) because this is where your body is strongest there. Part of the reason you can't maintain your stroke over 25 meters may be that your using your legs below your knees to kick instead of your hips. Your lower legs get tired faster and arn't able to lift your torso out of the water as far.
If you want to have a better butterfly you should probably do more core work like sit-ups, planks, 6-inches, etc. You can also try doing pilates as they are very agressive in working the core.
I can also recommend Butterfly with Misty Hymen, a dvd that will show you how to do the stroke right and make it eaiser.
Good Luck,
Raquel|||breath to the front when your arms go in the water, move your hips and kick twice per stroke|||Timing of stroke, kick, and breathing are critical.
First, the stroke should look like a classic keyhole. When your hands enter the water, press your chest into the water ... spread (scull) your hands outward. As your body moves forward, sweep your hands inward with your finger tips always facing the bottom of the pool. As your hands come closer, the should come close enough so that they pass under your hip bones. Finally, sweep your hands past your legs so that your thumbs can brush your legs below your suit.
As your hands enter the water, you should kick (kick #1). As your hands pass under your hips, you should kick a second time.
As you do that second look forward for your breath. As your hands go across the water for your next stroke (your stroke recovery), your face should go into the water before your hands enter.
Butterfly is actually does not use the most calories of the strokes. That honor goes to backstroke. However, due to the start - stop action of butterfly, you build lactic acid more than any stroke and it is lactic acid that interferes with your muscles working or, what we call, fatigue.
If your kick is strong, you'll experience less fatigue.
But, most importantly ... LISTEN TO YOUR COACH!
Good luck.|||well i am a swimmer for 3 years and drill and kick have helped me with my fly.|||for me, i move my legs in a wavelike motion. i have to get my hips/ butt above the water then my legs do the "ave" SO my feet can then be above the water. hope this works for you, cuz it works for me, and my time for a 50 fly is like 34.6
What's up with that?
I can swim ANY stroke indefinately, and fly only like, 50 meters and then I die.
Also when I reach the 25 meter line, my arms just don't come over the water again, and it looks all sloppy.
Also, my fly kick is very weak since I have no idea how to do it, should your fingers be pointed? Do you move your hips, thighs, or the part of your legs under the knees?|||Well acually you anly move your knees, amd by the way can i mail you sometime?|||You move your whole legs in like a wave motion starting with hips then thighs then knees and then feet. You have to start the kick at the same time your arms are pushing you out of the water, to give you more leverage. Its hard to explain on a computer. Do you have a coach you can ask for extra help with this? Its all about endurance and some people it just comes naturally to.
I had the same problem in High School when I was on swimming. I would be set to swim the 200IM or the 50 fly and after the 25 meters of fly I would be dying. All I can say is practice practice practice.|||The secret to swimming butterfly well is to sweep your hands close together when they come under your body. Many people's hands are to far apart because it seems eaiser. However, it's actually harder because you don't get as much power when your hands are far apart and you have to take more strokes to get where you're going.
Your entire stroke should come from the core of your body (i.e. abs, hips) because this is where your body is strongest there. Part of the reason you can't maintain your stroke over 25 meters may be that your using your legs below your knees to kick instead of your hips. Your lower legs get tired faster and arn't able to lift your torso out of the water as far.
If you want to have a better butterfly you should probably do more core work like sit-ups, planks, 6-inches, etc. You can also try doing pilates as they are very agressive in working the core.
I can also recommend Butterfly with Misty Hymen, a dvd that will show you how to do the stroke right and make it eaiser.
Good Luck,
Raquel|||breath to the front when your arms go in the water, move your hips and kick twice per stroke|||Timing of stroke, kick, and breathing are critical.
First, the stroke should look like a classic keyhole. When your hands enter the water, press your chest into the water ... spread (scull) your hands outward. As your body moves forward, sweep your hands inward with your finger tips always facing the bottom of the pool. As your hands come closer, the should come close enough so that they pass under your hip bones. Finally, sweep your hands past your legs so that your thumbs can brush your legs below your suit.
As your hands enter the water, you should kick (kick #1). As your hands pass under your hips, you should kick a second time.
As you do that second look forward for your breath. As your hands go across the water for your next stroke (your stroke recovery), your face should go into the water before your hands enter.
Butterfly is actually does not use the most calories of the strokes. That honor goes to backstroke. However, due to the start - stop action of butterfly, you build lactic acid more than any stroke and it is lactic acid that interferes with your muscles working or, what we call, fatigue.
If your kick is strong, you'll experience less fatigue.
But, most importantly ... LISTEN TO YOUR COACH!
Good luck.|||well i am a swimmer for 3 years and drill and kick have helped me with my fly.|||for me, i move my legs in a wavelike motion. i have to get my hips/ butt above the water then my legs do the "ave" SO my feet can then be above the water. hope this works for you, cuz it works for me, and my time for a 50 fly is like 34.6
iced tea anyone?i just love it dont u?|||yes i love the rasberry|||I like ice tea
butterfly's too|||Sure do and just finished my Large Mc D's tea up a little bit ago. My favorite is Sun Tea :)
butterfly's too|||Sure do and just finished my Large Mc D's tea up a little bit ago. My favorite is Sun Tea :)
Why do we call these floppy-winged insects Butterflies?|||Because they fly and maybe their bodies are soft like butter? Or we don't want bread flying? But... The Old English word for butterfly was buttorfleoge apparently because butterflies were thought to steal milk or folk etymology that it originated as a contraction of butter-coloured fly.|||a caveman found a stick of butter with a fly inside of it. he sat on the butter(like an incubator) and after a few months a beautiful little green creature was formed. This wasn't the butterfly though. Today, you might know these as lizards. Eventually, some lizards evolved into butterflies. I read this story on you should check it out.|||we just do. same reason why we call dogs 'dogs'
I'm 13 years old and do a 35.28 for Butterfly 50m and 1:12.97 for Butterfly 100m. I want to get my times down to 1:09.00 seconds for 100m and down to 32.00 seconds for 50m by December. I took about 8 seconds off my 100m time in 7 months and about 2 seconds off my 50m time in 2 months, but this was because I had moved up a squad.
Do you think my goals are realistic? What techniques can improve my times?|||I was a Private swim instructor for 8 best and favorite stroke is fly....very realistic goals...but lets talk about a couple things....kick...ensure you have two kicks per stroke...hands in..kick..hands at waist...kick...breathe every other stroke at the minimum...make your strokes long and smooth on the first 50....the last 50 emphasis on the kick...strong and hard...on your turns...make sure you are not grabbing the wall...touch the target then quick turn...karate chop motion with your left phone answering motion with the right...stay streamline slightly diagonal to cut down on resistance...quick kicks on your turn dont breathe on your first stroke up from your turn and make sure youre past the the blocks try to swim the maximum length diagonal hard kicks (when i swam it was 15m)....when you finish (like the turn) make sure you hit the target and not the top of the wall....
do 5x100s kick last 50, 30 sec between
6x50s 25 kick 25 pull, 30 sec between
2x100s full stroke
do 2 sets of this....
Good luck fellow fly swimmer....|||these are preety realistic goals, because if you are good at butterfly it is easy to improve times and you have given yourself a resonable time to improve in!!!|||Yeah your goals are realistic, just really hard. When you jump off of the block and enter the water, do four dolphin kicks before breaking the surface. Then kick, take a stroke, and kick again. There should be two kicks for every stroke. One before and one after. When breathing keep your head low above the water. Wear a cap and shave your legs (hopefully you do already, i don't though). Keep your arms straight.
Hope this helps|||It sounds like you improve really fast. I think that if you are really shooting for it it is definitely possible. Keep trying hard. BTW those times are really impressive.|||Of course there realistic. All you have to do is practice. Thats all that can really help you. I was never a fan of butterfly but sometimes we didn't have a choice of what event we were swimming espically if it was the I.M. I practiced my arm technique on the floor. It sounds crazy but it works. Good Luck on your Goal and Don't EVER give up.|||thats heaps good!! im jelous of your 100 time! i can do a 31 in the 50 but can barely break a 1.20 for the 100.
with help in your sprint (it worked for me) just keep your stroke rate going and going and your kick will follow on, also practise surf swimming with fly arms and your head out of the water. it helps so much!
we have to exchange tips i needa know how you get your 100 so fast!!!
xxm maddzi|||that is really fast!!! i think your goals are realistic as long as you believe that you can do it. just keep practicing. don't skip practice, otherwise you miss an opportunity to improve :]
don't give up
Do you think my goals are realistic? What techniques can improve my times?|||I was a Private swim instructor for 8 best and favorite stroke is fly....very realistic goals...but lets talk about a couple things....kick...ensure you have two kicks per stroke...hands in..kick..hands at waist...kick...breathe every other stroke at the minimum...make your strokes long and smooth on the first 50....the last 50 emphasis on the kick...strong and hard...on your turns...make sure you are not grabbing the wall...touch the target then quick turn...karate chop motion with your left phone answering motion with the right...stay streamline slightly diagonal to cut down on resistance...quick kicks on your turn dont breathe on your first stroke up from your turn and make sure youre past the the blocks try to swim the maximum length diagonal hard kicks (when i swam it was 15m)....when you finish (like the turn) make sure you hit the target and not the top of the wall....
do 5x100s kick last 50, 30 sec between
6x50s 25 kick 25 pull, 30 sec between
2x100s full stroke
do 2 sets of this....
Good luck fellow fly swimmer....|||these are preety realistic goals, because if you are good at butterfly it is easy to improve times and you have given yourself a resonable time to improve in!!!|||Yeah your goals are realistic, just really hard. When you jump off of the block and enter the water, do four dolphin kicks before breaking the surface. Then kick, take a stroke, and kick again. There should be two kicks for every stroke. One before and one after. When breathing keep your head low above the water. Wear a cap and shave your legs (hopefully you do already, i don't though). Keep your arms straight.
Hope this helps|||It sounds like you improve really fast. I think that if you are really shooting for it it is definitely possible. Keep trying hard. BTW those times are really impressive.|||Of course there realistic. All you have to do is practice. Thats all that can really help you. I was never a fan of butterfly but sometimes we didn't have a choice of what event we were swimming espically if it was the I.M. I practiced my arm technique on the floor. It sounds crazy but it works. Good Luck on your Goal and Don't EVER give up.|||thats heaps good!! im jelous of your 100 time! i can do a 31 in the 50 but can barely break a 1.20 for the 100.
with help in your sprint (it worked for me) just keep your stroke rate going and going and your kick will follow on, also practise surf swimming with fly arms and your head out of the water. it helps so much!
we have to exchange tips i needa know how you get your 100 so fast!!!
xxm maddzi|||that is really fast!!! i think your goals are realistic as long as you believe that you can do it. just keep practicing. don't skip practice, otherwise you miss an opportunity to improve :]
don't give up
does anybody know what the butterfly symbol means. and especially if its a blue butterfly.|||I have no idea, I hope it's good cause I just got a tattoo of one on my hip.|||um no soz i cant help so cya|||no, I don't know but I think that's a very good question. I think butterflies are very pretty.|||in what context?|||soz cannot help u but very good question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i have one butterfly that has hatched and i have another that hasnt but will maybe on monday or tuesday do you think maybe they will reproduce and make eggs but one of them has a folded wing do u think the other butterfly will still reproduce if the other butterfly is crippled|||Well, it takes time for a butterfly's wing to spread, but I think it will reproduce
Can someone give me tips on the Butterfly save?
I have no idea how to make a butterfly save with the leg positions and etc, could someone give me tips or links on how to perform a butterfly save. Thanks.|||The butterfly save is kinda easy once you've learned it. Basically, here are some pointers:
- keep your chest straight while you go down, don't bend forward
- your shoulders should be square and up
- your stick will be somewhat oblique in front of you (depending on your paddle size), about 40 centimetres
- stick your arms to your body so it doesn't give gasps between them
- your blocker and your glove (open towards the puck, not facing the ice or so) should stick to the upper side of your pads, so no gasp between the blocker and the pad for example
- your pads should form a ''v'', with no or almost no hole between them, knees stick together.
NOTE: dropping on your knees with your legs behind you is NOT the butterfly
your legs should be as wide as you can get them
Now here's what it should look like:鈥?/a>
If you're more of a step-by-step, this article might help you:鈥?/a>
If you're more of a visual, you might like this video as well:鈥?/a> (not really a tutorial but couldn't find a decent one with the right stance)|||Melina's advise is top notch, I just want to add you gotta have good balance
on your skates and wearing all goalie pads to do so comfortably and safely.|||Search your favorite goalie on youtube, and then study and analyze his butterfly position.
- keep your chest straight while you go down, don't bend forward
- your shoulders should be square and up
- your stick will be somewhat oblique in front of you (depending on your paddle size), about 40 centimetres
- stick your arms to your body so it doesn't give gasps between them
- your blocker and your glove (open towards the puck, not facing the ice or so) should stick to the upper side of your pads, so no gasp between the blocker and the pad for example
- your pads should form a ''v'', with no or almost no hole between them, knees stick together.
NOTE: dropping on your knees with your legs behind you is NOT the butterfly
your legs should be as wide as you can get them
Now here's what it should look like:鈥?/a>
If you're more of a step-by-step, this article might help you:鈥?/a>
If you're more of a visual, you might like this video as well:鈥?/a> (not really a tutorial but couldn't find a decent one with the right stance)|||Melina's advise is top notch, I just want to add you gotta have good balance
on your skates and wearing all goalie pads to do so comfortably and safely.|||Search your favorite goalie on youtube, and then study and analyze his butterfly position.
Can i build a butterfly garden in the middle of woodland habitat?
i have a big plot of land and im trying to design it.. i am planning to have a woodland but in the midway it will thin out and then from there u can enter into butterfly garden..?
is it too ambitious ??|||You should be able to, I was walking in the woods a few weeks ago and saw some butterflies. I think a swallowtail. It was pretty shady and the trees were very tall. As long as there are some open areas and some little puddles and some rocks for sunning, they should be really happy there.
There is a local conservation district for my county and I ordered a butterfly garden kit from them that is filled with regional native plants. Most of them prefer sun, but some parts of my yard are shady. Butterflies are very species specific, so if there is a certain one you really want to attract, you might was to look it up so that you can plant the host plants for the larvae/butterfly. I have been looking into this for a couple years but I have not found any super book for butterfly gardening.
Be very cautious about using pesticides and insecticides. Even though they are not supposed to affect butterflies and other beneficial organism, if you have the right set up and flowers, they will still not come if you use pesticides. Or if they do, they will die.
If your state has an agricultural school, they may have some information on butterflies, or maybe a dept of entomology--maybe they even have a lepidopterist. Don't forget about the bumble bees and other cute, harmless insects!|||Plants and bushes that attract butterflies are sun loving plants - in a woodland does not sound like there will be enough sun (about 8 hours of direct light a day).
I have a butterfly garden that attracts so many butterflies throughout the summer. It is right outside my window so I can enjoy them. Butterflies are looking for a food source and a place to lay eggs for the next year. You want to provide something like Milkweed which is a target plant for laying eggs. I don't find them the most attractive plant, but you want to invite the butterflies to stay. Butterfly bush you can't go wrong with. I have about 12 throughout my yard and in late summer, early fall they are flittering all throughout my yard to the bushes. It is a beautiful bush that can get about 5 feet tall in the right place - it is my favorite specimen in my garden. Many of the plants that you would have in a butterfly garden will also attract hummingbirds, and then once the plants die - the songbirds will come to eat the seed. So you will have many visitors throughout the year to take advantage of your work. Just make sure you have the right plants and enough light, but I don't think being in the middle of a woodland is going to give enough sunlight.
The link here is one that I've followed for a guide when I first started my garden. I love it!…|||A carefully planned garden can attract butterflies that sip nectar from many flowers and search for a place to lay their larvae. Butterfly gardens are basically organic gardens that use no chemicals. With this in mind, be sure to create a safety zone for your butterflies. Habitual zones and places where areas of the landscape meet with the tree lines are favorite safe places for them. It is also helpful to find out what kinds of butterflies are native to your area so you can find appropriate plants for them.
Here are some articles for attracting butterflies:
Attracting Butterflies -…
Butterfly Garden Designs -…
Goodluck!|||The flowers butterflies are most attracted to are sun lovers. So your woodland better have some full sun areas as well as partial shade. Butterflies mainly drink from the soil, so running water isn't necessary, but a damp earth area would help.…|||yes
is it too ambitious ??|||You should be able to, I was walking in the woods a few weeks ago and saw some butterflies. I think a swallowtail. It was pretty shady and the trees were very tall. As long as there are some open areas and some little puddles and some rocks for sunning, they should be really happy there.
There is a local conservation district for my county and I ordered a butterfly garden kit from them that is filled with regional native plants. Most of them prefer sun, but some parts of my yard are shady. Butterflies are very species specific, so if there is a certain one you really want to attract, you might was to look it up so that you can plant the host plants for the larvae/butterfly. I have been looking into this for a couple years but I have not found any super book for butterfly gardening.
Be very cautious about using pesticides and insecticides. Even though they are not supposed to affect butterflies and other beneficial organism, if you have the right set up and flowers, they will still not come if you use pesticides. Or if they do, they will die.
If your state has an agricultural school, they may have some information on butterflies, or maybe a dept of entomology--maybe they even have a lepidopterist. Don't forget about the bumble bees and other cute, harmless insects!|||Plants and bushes that attract butterflies are sun loving plants - in a woodland does not sound like there will be enough sun (about 8 hours of direct light a day).
I have a butterfly garden that attracts so many butterflies throughout the summer. It is right outside my window so I can enjoy them. Butterflies are looking for a food source and a place to lay eggs for the next year. You want to provide something like Milkweed which is a target plant for laying eggs. I don't find them the most attractive plant, but you want to invite the butterflies to stay. Butterfly bush you can't go wrong with. I have about 12 throughout my yard and in late summer, early fall they are flittering all throughout my yard to the bushes. It is a beautiful bush that can get about 5 feet tall in the right place - it is my favorite specimen in my garden. Many of the plants that you would have in a butterfly garden will also attract hummingbirds, and then once the plants die - the songbirds will come to eat the seed. So you will have many visitors throughout the year to take advantage of your work. Just make sure you have the right plants and enough light, but I don't think being in the middle of a woodland is going to give enough sunlight.
The link here is one that I've followed for a guide when I first started my garden. I love it!…|||A carefully planned garden can attract butterflies that sip nectar from many flowers and search for a place to lay their larvae. Butterfly gardens are basically organic gardens that use no chemicals. With this in mind, be sure to create a safety zone for your butterflies. Habitual zones and places where areas of the landscape meet with the tree lines are favorite safe places for them. It is also helpful to find out what kinds of butterflies are native to your area so you can find appropriate plants for them.
Here are some articles for attracting butterflies:
Attracting Butterflies -…
Butterfly Garden Designs -…
Goodluck!|||The flowers butterflies are most attracted to are sun lovers. So your woodland better have some full sun areas as well as partial shade. Butterflies mainly drink from the soil, so running water isn't necessary, but a damp earth area would help.…|||yes
Have you noticed the marked decline in butterfly's?
I have a tree in my garden that attracts butterfly's and bees, well it used to. So far this year I personally have only seen four butterfly's and a handful of bees. Both insects are an integral part of the human food chain yet our obsession with technology and mobile phones is wiping out our insect wildlife and ultimately our food supplies.|||Not sure whether mobile 'phones are directly responsible, I have seen no research to suggest this may be the case, but there is a wealth of information on the possible reasons for declining fritillaries and honeybee colonies.
On Bee Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) - from Apis UK (Beekeepers Newsletter) July '08:
"In fall 2007, a team led by Diana Cox-Foster, professor of entomology, reported a strong correlation between CCD and the presence of Israeli acute paralysis virus, making the pathogen a prime suspect in the disease. Since that time, researchers have introduced IAPV to healthy honey bee colonies in a controlled greenhouse environment in an effort to induce a collapse. Within one week of introducing the virus, they observed dramatic bee mortality, with bees dying outside the colonies across the room in the greenhouse. Bees were found on the floor with paralytic-type movements, and guard bees were observed removing paralytic bees from colonies and flying across the room. The majority of these ‘twitcher’ bees were found to have IAPV. Within a month, infected colonies had declined to small clusters of bees, many of which had lost their queens. These data indicate that IAPV is a highly pathogenic virus. But they do not yet support a finding of IAPV as the sole cause of Colony Collapse Disorder. Researchers still suspect that additional stresses are needed to trigger CCD. Among the potential triggers being investigated are environmental chemicals. Penn State scientists analyzing pollen, wax, adult bees and brood (larvae) have found the presence of dozens of chemicals, including pesticides used by agricultural producers to protect crops and by beekeepers to control hive pests such as parasitic mites.
“This raises several complicated questions,” said Maryann Frazier, senior extension associate in entomology. “Some of these compounds could react with each other to cause toxic effects or could combine with viruses or poor nutrition to weaken immunity and cause colony collapse. We also need to do more research to understand these chemicals’ sub-lethal effects on bees.” Though the role of chemicals in Colony Collapse Disorder is still unknown, Frazier noted that beekeepers need more options for controlling varroa mites so they can reduce their reliance on chemicals. “With the sheer number of compounds we’re finding in hives, it’s hard to believe that pesticides aren’t contributing to the general decline in bee health,” she said.
Article adapted from materials provided by Penn State USA."
On Butterflies:
by Jessica Aldred and agencies -, Thursday 13 March 2008 11.54 GMT
"Farrell said: 'Butterflies are like the canaries in the coal mine. When their environment is under stress, they are the first to suffer and disappear.
During the 20th century, five of Britain's butterfly species and 60 moth species became extinct.
Drastic butterfly losses are continually being reported as we destroy their natural habitats at a frightening pace."
So, if you want to help butterflies and bees, plant native species of wild flowers.
If you are in the UK, take a look at:
Butterfly Habitat Boxes
Hand made Butterfly Habitat, we also stock beneficial bug boxes.|||I am glad you said "our obsession..."
and ask "Have you planted a buddlea and put out bee feeders this years?" They are easy and cheap to make.
I can see I need to advise you on making a bee and butterfly feeder. Using some bailing string, tie up a jam jar upsidedown. Undo the lid and make a small hole in it and in that place some sponge. Now make the hole on the outside look like a flower and place some sugary water into the jam jar... If you get the gist.
On Bee Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) - from Apis UK (Beekeepers Newsletter) July '08:
"In fall 2007, a team led by Diana Cox-Foster, professor of entomology, reported a strong correlation between CCD and the presence of Israeli acute paralysis virus, making the pathogen a prime suspect in the disease. Since that time, researchers have introduced IAPV to healthy honey bee colonies in a controlled greenhouse environment in an effort to induce a collapse. Within one week of introducing the virus, they observed dramatic bee mortality, with bees dying outside the colonies across the room in the greenhouse. Bees were found on the floor with paralytic-type movements, and guard bees were observed removing paralytic bees from colonies and flying across the room. The majority of these ‘twitcher’ bees were found to have IAPV. Within a month, infected colonies had declined to small clusters of bees, many of which had lost their queens. These data indicate that IAPV is a highly pathogenic virus. But they do not yet support a finding of IAPV as the sole cause of Colony Collapse Disorder. Researchers still suspect that additional stresses are needed to trigger CCD. Among the potential triggers being investigated are environmental chemicals. Penn State scientists analyzing pollen, wax, adult bees and brood (larvae) have found the presence of dozens of chemicals, including pesticides used by agricultural producers to protect crops and by beekeepers to control hive pests such as parasitic mites.
“This raises several complicated questions,” said Maryann Frazier, senior extension associate in entomology. “Some of these compounds could react with each other to cause toxic effects or could combine with viruses or poor nutrition to weaken immunity and cause colony collapse. We also need to do more research to understand these chemicals’ sub-lethal effects on bees.” Though the role of chemicals in Colony Collapse Disorder is still unknown, Frazier noted that beekeepers need more options for controlling varroa mites so they can reduce their reliance on chemicals. “With the sheer number of compounds we’re finding in hives, it’s hard to believe that pesticides aren’t contributing to the general decline in bee health,” she said.
Article adapted from materials provided by Penn State USA."
On Butterflies:
by Jessica Aldred and agencies -, Thursday 13 March 2008 11.54 GMT
"Farrell said: 'Butterflies are like the canaries in the coal mine. When their environment is under stress, they are the first to suffer and disappear.
During the 20th century, five of Britain's butterfly species and 60 moth species became extinct.
Drastic butterfly losses are continually being reported as we destroy their natural habitats at a frightening pace."
So, if you want to help butterflies and bees, plant native species of wild flowers.
If you are in the UK, take a look at:
Butterfly Habitat Boxes
Hand made Butterfly Habitat, we also stock beneficial bug boxes.|||I am glad you said "our obsession..."
and ask "Have you planted a buddlea and put out bee feeders this years?" They are easy and cheap to make.
I can see I need to advise you on making a bee and butterfly feeder. Using some bailing string, tie up a jam jar upsidedown. Undo the lid and make a small hole in it and in that place some sponge. Now make the hole on the outside look like a flower and place some sugary water into the jam jar... If you get the gist.
What type of irrigation system should I use for my butterfly garden?
Hi I am currently working on my Eagle Scout service project for Boy Scouts where I am building a butterfly garden for my high school. The garden is split up into two plots each about 10 by 25 feet separated by a side walk. I am trying to make the garden as low maintenance as possible and was wondering what type of irrigation system I should put in there to keep the plants alive and growing.|||drip irrigation system is about as effective and simple as it gets
What does a black butterfly inside symbolize?
I've always wondered why therapists agree we have to come to our own breakthroughs and that they should simply be the guides. I'd like to know what others thought when this stood out in their minds. If you saw a black butterfly inside and a child, rather fascinated with it, what would you take it to mean?|||Butterflies are iconic and symbolic. These amazing transformational insects represent a special meaning to a lot of people. Butterflies mean different things in different cultures, read more about the symbolism of butterflies -鈥?/a>|||that death is near..? I don't know, everytime a monarch butterfly flies past you that means someone just died.
One flew past me four times today.. DUN DUN DUNN.. sucks. haha
One flew past me four times today.. DUN DUN DUNN.. sucks. haha
Why is my Threadfin Butterfly fishes tail looking scraped and face turning black?
He is about a month old and is a very picky eater. He will not eat brine shrinmp, silver sliders, formula A, Seaweed, or flakes. He is about 2 inches long and he is a Thredfin Butterfly fish. Everything is fine in the tank PH is good and so are nitrites and nitrates. Everything in the tank is fine!|||what size is the tank and what else is in with him?
could he be being bullied?
could he be being bullied?
What is the purpose of a Wildlife certified garden, or butterfly garden?
Can anyone tell me what is the purpose of having a butterfly garden, such as why it is important and how it helps the environment. Please explain thoroughly because I need to write about it in at least a paragraph. If you have any websites I can refer to I would really appreciate it.|||Most people hate bugs, flying, crawling, etc. They don't realize that many of these critters are responsible for helping trees and plants produce the fruit and vegetables that we consume. A butterfly garden draws other insects as well as butterflies. Bees are the most common pollinators, but are disappearing; they suspect pesticides are one contributing factor. When you have a certified garden, you shouldn't use pesticides because it kills the good pollinators as well as those bad bugs that feed on your plants. Without the pollinators, we would have no fruit or vegetables for food. It is important to supply pollinators with pesticide-free environment, hence the need for the butterfly and certified gardens; it really benefits us in the end.|||Wildlife and butterflys travel during the different seasons we have. During our fall months most head south for the warm weather. Where they can flurish and not die from harsh weathers. After winter is over and the weather start to warm. They start to migrate north again. To the areas where they mate, lay eggs and hatch out new birds, and larva (for butterflys).
Well along this journey, they need places to rest, get a drink or eat. This was the beginning and why wildlife certified gardens started. They needed a safe place to go, to migrate to and from. Then as word got out about these concerned citizens and what they were doing to attract the wildlife to stop at their place on their way of flight. Others who enjoy the company of birds, butterflys, benifical insects, hummingbirds, wanted to keep them close by so they could view them most of the time.
To become a certified Wildlife garden you have guidlines that must be meet. Water requirements, Plants that provide, food, rest, nesting, and places for safety. Once you pass ALL of these, you must also get a permit from the county in some areas to even keep your gardens as a certified garden. Mostly because, these gardens don't look like your tipical manicured garden. Most code and county workers think you are growing weeds all over your yards. It is only the more well enformed individual who see and ask, "Why are you doing this to your yards". And then for the avid gardner who repilies, "The land gives to me, so I take care of mothers natures critters".|||To attract butterfies,we need them just like bees,they are pollinators, without pollinators we would have no food.
Well along this journey, they need places to rest, get a drink or eat. This was the beginning and why wildlife certified gardens started. They needed a safe place to go, to migrate to and from. Then as word got out about these concerned citizens and what they were doing to attract the wildlife to stop at their place on their way of flight. Others who enjoy the company of birds, butterflys, benifical insects, hummingbirds, wanted to keep them close by so they could view them most of the time.
To become a certified Wildlife garden you have guidlines that must be meet. Water requirements, Plants that provide, food, rest, nesting, and places for safety. Once you pass ALL of these, you must also get a permit from the county in some areas to even keep your gardens as a certified garden. Mostly because, these gardens don't look like your tipical manicured garden. Most code and county workers think you are growing weeds all over your yards. It is only the more well enformed individual who see and ask, "Why are you doing this to your yards". And then for the avid gardner who repilies, "The land gives to me, so I take care of mothers natures critters".|||To attract butterfies,we need them just like bees,they are pollinators, without pollinators we would have no food.
How to get the butterfly backs off my newly pierced ears?
I have reached the 6th week of having my ears pierced. Its finally time to change them but i cant get the butterfly backs off my ears! is there some sort of trick to get them off? How? Please respond quickly!|||Many people have trouble removing the butterfly backs from the studs used to pierce their ears. This is your first time removing then and the backs on piercing studs are usually somewhat more difficult to remove than the backs on regular earrings so they will not come off accidentally during the six week healing process. Ask a relative or friend, preferably someone whose ears are already pierced, to help you. If this is not possible, go back to wherever you had your ears pierced and ask them to remove them for you. Most places that pierce ears will do this and check your ears to be sure everything is OK at no charge. Of course they are hoping you will buy some earrings while you are there.|||There is also a product you can buy called ez-Release earring remover. Go to
|||The only thing that you can do to get them off is to just pull them off. There is no trick, unfortunately. The only thing you can do is just to pull them off. They are most likely stuck from being in for so long. Just hold the front part and pull the butterfly back off.
Good luck :D|||try homeremedies given here|||It really isn't that hard just get your mummy to hold the front of the earring whilst pulling the butterfly off. Just wiggle it a bit.|||I know they often get stuck but just wiggle it around a bit and they will come off you just have to keep having a go.
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|||The only thing that you can do to get them off is to just pull them off. There is no trick, unfortunately. The only thing you can do is just to pull them off. They are most likely stuck from being in for so long. Just hold the front part and pull the butterfly back off.
Good luck :D|||try homeremedies given here|||It really isn't that hard just get your mummy to hold the front of the earring whilst pulling the butterfly off. Just wiggle it a bit.|||I know they often get stuck but just wiggle it around a bit and they will come off you just have to keep having a go.
What is the best fabric to use when making moth/butterfly wings for a costume?
I need something that is fairly sheer and thin, yet emulates the feel of real butterfly wings; soft and fuzzy.|||Pantyhose, because you don't have to worry about raw edges. You pull it over your frame and then cut off the excess, and hand sew the openings.
.|||There are sheers available. Sheers would work well if you are going to use a "frame" to secure it to. If you want a free floating kind of thing that drapes your arms, sheers would work well for that too. Check your fabric stores and ask the ladies behind the counter to help you. Most have done projects of this sort and can be very helpful.
.|||There are sheers available. Sheers would work well if you are going to use a "frame" to secure it to. If you want a free floating kind of thing that drapes your arms, sheers would work well for that too. Check your fabric stores and ask the ladies behind the counter to help you. Most have done projects of this sort and can be very helpful.
How to act less shy and more like a social butterfly?
How to act less shy and more like a social butterfly?
Ok, I would say I am a normal person. I used to be very shy and would barely talk, but now I do talk a good amount, but at social stuff like after school, in the courtyard I am withdrawn sometimes especially after school. It seems like everyone has tons of friends, they don't need me to talk to them. Can you give me some tips so that I have more of a range of people to talk to than people who sit around me in class. Tips please!|||to act less shy make no of new friends and continue travel in your country and out of country and meet different people and don't be shy all person have equal rights in the world. talk and face every person with good face. if you wants to travel in other country visit this website.|||This sounds exactly like me as well... =(
Ok, I would say I am a normal person. I used to be very shy and would barely talk, but now I do talk a good amount, but at social stuff like after school, in the courtyard I am withdrawn sometimes especially after school. It seems like everyone has tons of friends, they don't need me to talk to them. Can you give me some tips so that I have more of a range of people to talk to than people who sit around me in class. Tips please!|||to act less shy make no of new friends and continue travel in your country and out of country and meet different people and don't be shy all person have equal rights in the world. talk and face every person with good face. if you wants to travel in other country visit this website.|||This sounds exactly like me as well... =(
Thursday, November 24, 2011
What is a decent butterfly knife to start out with?
I recently became interested in butterfly knives and bought one for $10 (silly me). It's already wearing out, and I'd like to get one that will last for an affordable price. Any recommendations?|||Bear %26amp; Son or Bradley|||Something with an aluminum handle and matched on both sides. Make sure the blade is one sided.
Don't waste good money on a butterfly knife, your going to wear one or two of them out learning how to use it.
If you don't mind spending the money, get one with an alloy or platinum handle. In most cases you can repair them with pop rivets. But those are the hardest metals for their weight. I say aluminum because it's the softest metal and it doesn't hurt your knuckles as much.|||All I know is the best one I ever owned was made in Finland.There were no other marks on the blade and the handles were made some kind of very hard plastic.
Don't waste good money on a butterfly knife, your going to wear one or two of them out learning how to use it.
If you don't mind spending the money, get one with an alloy or platinum handle. In most cases you can repair them with pop rivets. But those are the hardest metals for their weight. I say aluminum because it's the softest metal and it doesn't hurt your knuckles as much.|||All I know is the best one I ever owned was made in Finland.There were no other marks on the blade and the handles were made some kind of very hard plastic.
Will I have problems mixing an African butterfly in a tank that contains kuhli loaches?
The African butterfly has a large enough mouth to swallow one but they stay at differnt tank levels, the kuhlis at the bottom and the butterfly fish at the top. The tank is 40cm high.|||It should be fine. I have a African Butterfly Fish and I used to have Kuhli loaches with him, he just use to ignore them and stay at the very top.
Heads up try getting some floating surface plants for your Butterfly, they really love to hide in them.|||If the tank is big enough and the khuli loaches stay at the bottom they'll be fine.The link has everything you need to know.|||I would think they will be OK. Kuhli are quite big fish, and fast. African Butterflys are surface feeders, they may not even notice the other is there.
Heads up try getting some floating surface plants for your Butterfly, they really love to hide in them.|||If the tank is big enough and the khuli loaches stay at the bottom they'll be fine.The link has everything you need to know.|||I would think they will be OK. Kuhli are quite big fish, and fast. African Butterflys are surface feeders, they may not even notice the other is there.
How can i make a realistic butterfly?
I am making a butterfly for a science project and i want it to look realistic. I don't know how to make the butterfly though. It needs to look good and not be made of anything too expensive. Have any ideas?|||Use iridescent and metallic silk fabric swatches to cut out small pieces to be placed as the mosiac of the wings. This will make them look more realistic.|||you can use cheap (or old -but clean) stockings, and a couple of wire coat hangers. some food coloring or water based paints... and pipe cleaners for the antennae...
use pliers to shape the hangers into butterfly wings, stretch the stocking material over them...(if you can get cheap white or colored tights it might look better)
use pliers to shape the hangers into butterfly wings, stretch the stocking material over them...(if you can get cheap white or colored tights it might look better)
When to prune butterfly bush and how far to space?
My butterfly bushes after a years growth are about 2to 3 ft tall
how far down should I prune them this spring.|||I prune mine back to a foot tall.
I have pruned them both in the fall after they go dormant and in
early spring. If I don't prune them every season they become monsters. Each one is at least 8 feet tall at the end of the growing season.
I planted one 10 years ago. I now have five of them That's after digging five of them last spring and giving them to a friend.|||Depends where you live Herrman.
If you are in Zone 6 or higher, it isn't necessary to prune them at all, unless you want to shape them up a bit (which can be done anytime.) I live in Zone 5, and you are in this zone or lower, I'd advise you (like I do) to prune them back to six inches. Otherwise, you'll end up with a butterfly bush that has lots of dead wood on it. This sounds severe, but they will quickly regain their growth.
As far as spacing, don't plant them closer than six feet apart.
Also Herrman---be aware that the buddliea (butterfly bush) is relatively short-lived in cooler climates. I end up replacing mine about every five years.|||I wouldn't prune them at all. Let them be free!!
But if they ever get too big, prune in early spring. You can take them down to 1 or 2 feet.
how far down should I prune them this spring.|||I prune mine back to a foot tall.
I have pruned them both in the fall after they go dormant and in
early spring. If I don't prune them every season they become monsters. Each one is at least 8 feet tall at the end of the growing season.
I planted one 10 years ago. I now have five of them That's after digging five of them last spring and giving them to a friend.|||Depends where you live Herrman.
If you are in Zone 6 or higher, it isn't necessary to prune them at all, unless you want to shape them up a bit (which can be done anytime.) I live in Zone 5, and you are in this zone or lower, I'd advise you (like I do) to prune them back to six inches. Otherwise, you'll end up with a butterfly bush that has lots of dead wood on it. This sounds severe, but they will quickly regain their growth.
As far as spacing, don't plant them closer than six feet apart.
Also Herrman---be aware that the buddliea (butterfly bush) is relatively short-lived in cooler climates. I end up replacing mine about every five years.|||I wouldn't prune them at all. Let them be free!!
But if they ever get too big, prune in early spring. You can take them down to 1 or 2 feet.
What does it mean when you see a black butterfly & a yellow butterfly together shortly after someones death?
I saw a yellow butterfly and a black butterfly together about an hour after my mothers death. I saw the same thing again on the way to the hospital. I didn't know if it symbolized anything|||I have seen the same thing. My uncle died a few years ago %26amp; 2 hours after his death, that is what I saw. I did some research %26amp; it does symbolize something. My research showed that the butterflies were sent down from God as a gift. The butterflies were suppose to give you joy because you were probably sad. By the way, the butterflies are different colors according to the way the person died. Hope this helped.|||Black and Yellow, occurring together, in Nature, means, "Warning, I can
sting you, if you get too close".
Butterflies represent the Soul. One Butterfly, is your Mothers soul, the other, is your Soul.
Taken as an Omen, the two Souls, although separated by Death, are, forever linked, and still bound together on a certain level.
The colour combination is a warning that until you recognise, and accept this separation, through the natural Grief process, the part of you that is forever joined, will cause you unnecessary pain.|||it means you're sad about your mother's death and you're trying to make yourself feel better by believing in magic
It means you saw a yellow and black butterfly. I saw that once too. They're kind of common, being butterflies and all. I've also seen some squirrels. And a bison.|||It means you're outside.|||thats freakky
sting you, if you get too close".
Butterflies represent the Soul. One Butterfly, is your Mothers soul, the other, is your Soul.
Taken as an Omen, the two Souls, although separated by Death, are, forever linked, and still bound together on a certain level.
The colour combination is a warning that until you recognise, and accept this separation, through the natural Grief process, the part of you that is forever joined, will cause you unnecessary pain.|||it means you're sad about your mother's death and you're trying to make yourself feel better by believing in magic
It means you saw a yellow and black butterfly. I saw that once too. They're kind of common, being butterflies and all. I've also seen some squirrels. And a bison.|||It means you're outside.|||thats freakky
How long is each stage of a caterpillar's transformation into a butterfly?
My kids caught a caterpillar in a bug aquarium yesterday, and this morning we noticed that it had started forming its chrysalis hanging from one of the leaves in the container. How long will it take before it becomes a butterfly? Is there anything we should or shouldn't do to help it along? Food? Water? When should we be prepared to release it as it becomes a butterfly?|||After awhile, the caterpillars attach themselves head down to a convenient twig, they shed their outer skin and begin the transformation into a pupa (or chrysalis), a process which is completed in a matter of hours.
The pupa resembles a waxy, jade vase and becomes increasingly transparent as the process progresses. The caterpillar completes the miraculous transformation into a beautiful adult butterfly in about two weeks.
You can see photos of the entire process of a monarch butterfly emerging from its chrysalis at鈥?/a>
Birth of the Butterflies %26amp; Feeding, Observing and Releasing the Butterflies鈥?/a>|||i think 4 days
The pupa resembles a waxy, jade vase and becomes increasingly transparent as the process progresses. The caterpillar completes the miraculous transformation into a beautiful adult butterfly in about two weeks.
You can see photos of the entire process of a monarch butterfly emerging from its chrysalis at鈥?/a>
Birth of the Butterflies %26amp; Feeding, Observing and Releasing the Butterflies鈥?/a>|||i think 4 days
How can I imporve my goalie butterfly for hockey?
I cant seem to get it naturaly. I sem to put so much effort into going into a butterfly that i ussually dont save the puck. How can i naturally get into the habbit of going into the butterfly by practicing at home?|||Getting into a good butterfly is extremely difficult, but once you learn it, you don't easily forget it. Make sure your pads are loose, because that is another huge factor. I keep mine tight around the knees, lose almost everywhere else. Make sure you stretch too, if your muscles aren't used to moving like that, it can be hard to just do it in a snap, like you have to in a game. Again, good luck.
PS- try not to think about it, kind of take your mind off of it during the game, because if you keep thinking about it, you might not be giving 100% towards the other shots, dont think, just do. Hope that helps.|||i would go to a goalie school if you can but at home what I ttry to do is get some road hockey pads and just keep on trying to go into the butterfly also incorperate some shots with someone else you will eventually get better if you keep practising|||From being a goalie the only answer that I can honestly give you is go on the ice (whether it be a practice or a game) and when the puck isnt around you just go up and down. The first time you go down look at your legs and adjust anything necessary. Then try and go down and be in that position right away. Worked for me and now I have a very good butterfly.
PS- try not to think about it, kind of take your mind off of it during the game, because if you keep thinking about it, you might not be giving 100% towards the other shots, dont think, just do. Hope that helps.|||i would go to a goalie school if you can but at home what I ttry to do is get some road hockey pads and just keep on trying to go into the butterfly also incorperate some shots with someone else you will eventually get better if you keep practising|||From being a goalie the only answer that I can honestly give you is go on the ice (whether it be a practice or a game) and when the puck isnt around you just go up and down. The first time you go down look at your legs and adjust anything necessary. Then try and go down and be in that position right away. Worked for me and now I have a very good butterfly.
What is a butterfly spread and why is it a debit spread?
I understand that a butterfly spread using call options is a debit spread. Why must it be a debit spread in order to be rational (i.e. no arbitrage). It seems that in order to be rational: the prem on earned on 2 calls at K2 must be less than the premium payed for calls at strike prices K1 and K2. Why is this?|||hey you dont have it set up so i can contact you bu this is the only way i can, ok so ur awnser for my question, i have online banking but idk what a transaction looks like, i have a number like this "00000000 **** 00000388 Dec 14"
I blocked some numbers cuz idk if they are important.
Is that the transaction number?
I blocked some numbers cuz idk if they are important.
Is that the transaction number?
How do you butterfly shrimp? And will it keep them from curling up?
I'm going to make some fried coconut shrimp. They are so tasty. I've only made them once before. When I fried them, they curled up. I would like them to be flat like the restaurants serve them. Will butterflying them stop the curling? Can someone explain how to butterfly shrimp.|||You should butterfly them across the top as usual, without cutting all the way through, and then on the underside, take your knife and cut through the blue vein right in the center without cutting the shrimp in half. Just a jab will do it. It is the blue vein which causes most of the curling, and by simply severing it, the shrimp will not curl as they did before.
Also, if you like them wider, use jumbo shrimp and then flatten them once they have been butterflied, using a mallet gently on them under waxed paper. Be careful though, since pounding them hard will crush them into paste.
I learned this from a Japanese chef and have used the technique ever since.|||Put a plate or something on the to keep them from curling. Have you ever been to Waffle House and watched them fry bacon? They put the bacon on the grill then put a heavy pc of metal with a handle on it on top. It keeps the bacon from curling, and will do the same for your shrimp.
You don't want to mash them flat, just enough weight to keep them down.|||the easiest way to keep the shrimp from curling up would be to instert a skewer into them before frying, from the tip to tail so the stay straigh after cooking. The other thing to do is not over cook them, shrimp tend to curl the most when they are over cooked|||Insert a toothpick, and they won't curl up on you.
Also, if you like them wider, use jumbo shrimp and then flatten them once they have been butterflied, using a mallet gently on them under waxed paper. Be careful though, since pounding them hard will crush them into paste.
I learned this from a Japanese chef and have used the technique ever since.|||Put a plate or something on the to keep them from curling. Have you ever been to Waffle House and watched them fry bacon? They put the bacon on the grill then put a heavy pc of metal with a handle on it on top. It keeps the bacon from curling, and will do the same for your shrimp.
You don't want to mash them flat, just enough weight to keep them down.|||the easiest way to keep the shrimp from curling up would be to instert a skewer into them before frying, from the tip to tail so the stay straigh after cooking. The other thing to do is not over cook them, shrimp tend to curl the most when they are over cooked|||Insert a toothpick, and they won't curl up on you.
What does the butterfly tattoo symbolize?
I want a butterfly on my lower back.|||A butterfly can mean anything you want it to mean. Transition, transformation, metamorphosis, change, beauty, youth, etc..etc..
The only thing that matters it what it means to you. You are the one that counts. Like another answer said, it had no special meaning to her, she just liked the design. And that's fine:)
My butterflies are for freedom and transformation.
Get what you want and where you want it. Best wishes:)|||The location doesn't make a difference, that nick name "tramp stamp" is stupid to begin with. If you are a tramp then it will be trampy, if you aren't then it wont be. A butterfly can represent whatever you want it to. Most are for breaking away, family (a friend has a string of butterflies on her shoulder for her, and her two sisters. Then another on her ankle for her mom), and the beauty of what they are naturually. Find your own reason, make sure it's what you want and if anyone calls you a tramp for having it there, tell them to mind their own business. If you like it and can legally do it, go for it! I have two tattoos and plan on getting more in time as they fit, one will probably include a butterfly some where in it. Good luck with getting it, they are addicting but worth it!|||A butterfly usually represents a metamorphisis or a rebirthing. The lower back is just a place on your body it doesnt mean anything. Some people call it names but whatever. Its up to you. Theres alot of different meanings for butterflys!|||If you dont even know what it represents, you shouldnt get it.|||Butterflies are a symbol of transition, growth %26amp; beauty.
But pls dont get it on your lower back. Everyone has it there.. if thats what you want then get it... but why not try some place cool like making a trail of butterflies on your ribs?, or one on each shoulder blade?|||I have one on my lower back and I'm NOT A TRAMP. I just liked the design. It has no special meaning to me.|||i have actually one on my back shoulder. for alot of different people it resembles something different for me. it resembells freedom and a new start. I got it right when I left the shelter because i was on my own and free to do what i want. :)
Marlies|||It means you are a tramp. That is why it is called a tramp stamp. Butterflys are overdone, so are stars. Every sorority sister has one. If you want to get a tattoo really think and get something with meaning. Don't go for the cheap cutsie design that you are going to regret when you are 30. Get something that you are going to love to look at every morning.
The only thing that matters it what it means to you. You are the one that counts. Like another answer said, it had no special meaning to her, she just liked the design. And that's fine:)
My butterflies are for freedom and transformation.
Get what you want and where you want it. Best wishes:)|||The location doesn't make a difference, that nick name "tramp stamp" is stupid to begin with. If you are a tramp then it will be trampy, if you aren't then it wont be. A butterfly can represent whatever you want it to. Most are for breaking away, family (a friend has a string of butterflies on her shoulder for her, and her two sisters. Then another on her ankle for her mom), and the beauty of what they are naturually. Find your own reason, make sure it's what you want and if anyone calls you a tramp for having it there, tell them to mind their own business. If you like it and can legally do it, go for it! I have two tattoos and plan on getting more in time as they fit, one will probably include a butterfly some where in it. Good luck with getting it, they are addicting but worth it!|||A butterfly usually represents a metamorphisis or a rebirthing. The lower back is just a place on your body it doesnt mean anything. Some people call it names but whatever. Its up to you. Theres alot of different meanings for butterflys!|||If you dont even know what it represents, you shouldnt get it.|||Butterflies are a symbol of transition, growth %26amp; beauty.
But pls dont get it on your lower back. Everyone has it there.. if thats what you want then get it... but why not try some place cool like making a trail of butterflies on your ribs?, or one on each shoulder blade?|||I have one on my lower back and I'm NOT A TRAMP. I just liked the design. It has no special meaning to me.|||i have actually one on my back shoulder. for alot of different people it resembles something different for me. it resembells freedom and a new start. I got it right when I left the shelter because i was on my own and free to do what i want. :)
Marlies|||It means you are a tramp. That is why it is called a tramp stamp. Butterflys are overdone, so are stars. Every sorority sister has one. If you want to get a tattoo really think and get something with meaning. Don't go for the cheap cutsie design that you are going to regret when you are 30. Get something that you are going to love to look at every morning.
How can i be a Social Butterfly without getting in trouble?
I am shy towards popular people and social people. They all tend to gossip and i want to be a Social Butterfly without talking behind some ones back. I tend to be super quiet and when i do talk, i mumble. How can i gain confidence and become a Social butterfly without getting in trouble|||If you mean trouble by "drama" then that's very difficult. Just don't bring up any drama conversations and if someone starts talking about anything drama related always stay neutral.
It's really hard to be the outgoing AND avoid drama though. It's usually one or the other.|||Be the sweet you ,and don't worrie .
It's really hard to be the outgoing AND avoid drama though. It's usually one or the other.|||Be the sweet you ,and don't worrie .
What are the California laws on butterfly knives?
I've read the California knife laws, and it does not directly reference butterfly knives. If butterfly knives are in fact illegal, what about a training knife? Are they legal? I just want to play with one around my house because they are fun.|||Butterfly knives are illegal in Calif., they are in the same classification as switchblades, stupid laws. Go ahead and play with it around the house, just don't let anyone see it.
How much do butterfly knives sell for in stores?
I just got a butterfly knife and I was just wondering how much they sell for in the stores because I might sell it. It is just a regular silver blade with a black handle with holes in it.|||I sell them for $6.99|||Price would depend on the quality of the materials and the condition of the knife. If it's just a regular nothing special knife then don't expect much at all because if it's even legal to have a buyer would not pay a lot for it.|||I don't know, it would depend on the quality and uniqueness of the knife. Note that in many states, butterfly knives are illegal.
How do you repair a bent butterfly wing?
We had 8 butterflies hatch, but one now has a bent wing and can't fly. It is a monarch butterfly. How can I help it?|||Unfortunately there is nothing you can do. Once the exoskeleton and wings have dried, that's the way they will remain. Since the wing has come off, the most humane thing to do is euthanize by freezing. (Sounds harsh I know, but for insects, it just slows down their metabolism until they die. Quickly I might add.)
If you are breeding Monarchs, it shouldn't effect that aspect at all. :)
p.s. If you raise them again, be sure to have something vertical in the cage, that they can climb onto if they fall from the chrysalis. (ie: flat thin cork bark)|||the only good buttertflly is a dead butterfly.
|||i hate Michael M
If you are breeding Monarchs, it shouldn't effect that aspect at all. :)
p.s. If you raise them again, be sure to have something vertical in the cage, that they can climb onto if they fall from the chrysalis. (ie: flat thin cork bark)|||the only good buttertflly is a dead butterfly.
|||i hate Michael M
What do I do with the chrysalises for the butterfly tree house?
My daughter got the butterfly tree house for her birthday and of course lost the instructions. We have the caterpillars and don't know what to do with them once they turn into the chrysalises.
Can anyone help me out???? Thanks!|||First, a pupating caterpillar will attach itself to various objects. Check this out:鈥?/a> (you may have to click on this link more than once if it shows a link- broken message because it's a great educational site)
The chrysalis ...metamorphosis.. begins shortly after the caterpillar finds a safe place to rest. "With a silk thread that comes out of a hole just below its mouth (spinneret), the caterpillar spins a silk pad to attach to. The caterpillar hangs from this pad. Soon, the caterpillars' skin splits open, from head to abdomen, revealing a shiny green case underneath - the chrysalis...
Inside the chrysalis, the caterpillar will become completely liquid and reformed into a butterfly.
The Life Cycle - A Timeline of Transformation (scroll down the page):鈥?/a>
"The conversion of a suspended caterpillar to the pupal (chrysalis) stage is pretty fast, lasting only a few minutes. It starts when the caterpillar begins to wriggle and writhe, doing just the sort of movement you'd expect would be needed in order to wriggle out of a whole-body leotard without any helping hands. The initial split in the skin occurs at the top, and reveals the green-white pupa within":
Photos of the action:鈥?/a>
Videos your daughter might enjoy:
The metamorphosis from caterpillar to butterfly (I like how the little girl says bye to the butterfly as it flys away after completing it's transformation):鈥?/a>
Butterfly metamorphosis - from larva to pupa to butterfly. Some time lapse transformations:鈥?/a>鈥?/a> (First 10 minutes of chrysalis into butterfly.)
List of type of caterpillar %26amp; plants they like for food %26amp; to use as host plants:鈥?/a>
This must have been an wonderful birthday for your daughter... I can only imagine how excited she is about this project!
Enjoy! Hope this is helpful.|||Here are a couple links that might help you:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
good luck with your butterflies =)
Can anyone help me out???? Thanks!|||First, a pupating caterpillar will attach itself to various objects. Check this out:鈥?/a> (you may have to click on this link more than once if it shows a link- broken message because it's a great educational site)
The chrysalis ...metamorphosis.. begins shortly after the caterpillar finds a safe place to rest. "With a silk thread that comes out of a hole just below its mouth (spinneret), the caterpillar spins a silk pad to attach to. The caterpillar hangs from this pad. Soon, the caterpillars' skin splits open, from head to abdomen, revealing a shiny green case underneath - the chrysalis...
Inside the chrysalis, the caterpillar will become completely liquid and reformed into a butterfly.
The Life Cycle - A Timeline of Transformation (scroll down the page):鈥?/a>
"The conversion of a suspended caterpillar to the pupal (chrysalis) stage is pretty fast, lasting only a few minutes. It starts when the caterpillar begins to wriggle and writhe, doing just the sort of movement you'd expect would be needed in order to wriggle out of a whole-body leotard without any helping hands. The initial split in the skin occurs at the top, and reveals the green-white pupa within":
Photos of the action:鈥?/a>
Videos your daughter might enjoy:
The metamorphosis from caterpillar to butterfly (I like how the little girl says bye to the butterfly as it flys away after completing it's transformation):鈥?/a>
Butterfly metamorphosis - from larva to pupa to butterfly. Some time lapse transformations:鈥?/a>鈥?/a> (First 10 minutes of chrysalis into butterfly.)
List of type of caterpillar %26amp; plants they like for food %26amp; to use as host plants:鈥?/a>
This must have been an wonderful birthday for your daughter... I can only imagine how excited she is about this project!
Enjoy! Hope this is helpful.|||Here are a couple links that might help you:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
good luck with your butterflies =)
What kind of food that can be fed copperband butterfly and tomato crown fishes?
I have had 1 tomato crown fish and 1 copperband butterfly fish for couple days. I tried to feed both of them with the pellet but they didn't eat. I'd like to have a common food for both of them.|||You're not going to have a problem feeding the Tomato clown, as long as your water quality is anywhere close to decent. They're hardy and have a good appetite.
If the clown is new and hasn't started eating yet, try frozen mysis shrimp, they're very palatable and enticing for the fish, and much more nutritious than live or frozen brine shrimp.
The copperband is another issue entirely. If you have a reef aquarium, they spend much of their time picking through the rocks for tiny creatures (copepods, worms, etc) and will also graze on aiptasia anemones, gorgonian polyps, green star polyps, and zooanthids. Sometimes this is good (they eat the nasty aiptasia anemones) or bad (they chow down on your prized pink%26amp;blue zooanthids.)
But if you have a large enough tank, the copperband's grazing damage won't usually kill off all your strong polyp -based colonies... the "damage" is thin but widespread, as in nature.
If you have a fish-only tank (as opposed to a reef tank or fish tank with lots of live rock) then statistically you're in trouble. Most copperbands will not survive in that type of environment. You can try to get him to eat, and I wish you all the success in the world, but your chances are 50/50 at best. Unfortunately, there are many livestock sellers who will sell fish like copperbands, moorish idols, and cleaner wrasses to just about anyone... even though these fish require very special conditions to have any chance of survival.
Here's what you can try to feed your copperband:
1. LIVE Blackworms. Turn off most or all of your water circulation, and drop a few worms in where he can see them. They wriggle violently because the saltwater is killing them. This entices the fish to eat, but make sure you don't add too many and try to remove uneaten worms in an hour or so.
2. LIVE brine shrimp. Not the best nutrition, but much better than nothing. These survive in salt water and swim around in an appealing way, again slow down or temporarily stop your filters %26amp; pumps so they don't all get sucked up.
3. FROZEN "cyclopeeze." Not the flaked stuff, he'll never go for it. This is a relatively new item, but good shops or mailorder houses will have it.
4. FROZEN "enhanced" brine shrimp. If he has taken to eating live brine, you may get him to eat the nutritionally-enriched frozen version, which is a good long-term solution if it works.
5. FROZEN mysis shrimp. Maybe, it's worth a try.
6. LIVE piece of green star polyp rock or rock with zooanthids on it. Your store may be willing to sell you a small or ugly piece of coral at a reduced price. If your tank conditions are good and the lighting is decent, it may survive long enough to be eaten.
If the clown is new and hasn't started eating yet, try frozen mysis shrimp, they're very palatable and enticing for the fish, and much more nutritious than live or frozen brine shrimp.
The copperband is another issue entirely. If you have a reef aquarium, they spend much of their time picking through the rocks for tiny creatures (copepods, worms, etc) and will also graze on aiptasia anemones, gorgonian polyps, green star polyps, and zooanthids. Sometimes this is good (they eat the nasty aiptasia anemones) or bad (they chow down on your prized pink%26amp;blue zooanthids.)
But if you have a large enough tank, the copperband's grazing damage won't usually kill off all your strong polyp -based colonies... the "damage" is thin but widespread, as in nature.
If you have a fish-only tank (as opposed to a reef tank or fish tank with lots of live rock) then statistically you're in trouble. Most copperbands will not survive in that type of environment. You can try to get him to eat, and I wish you all the success in the world, but your chances are 50/50 at best. Unfortunately, there are many livestock sellers who will sell fish like copperbands, moorish idols, and cleaner wrasses to just about anyone... even though these fish require very special conditions to have any chance of survival.
Here's what you can try to feed your copperband:
1. LIVE Blackworms. Turn off most or all of your water circulation, and drop a few worms in where he can see them. They wriggle violently because the saltwater is killing them. This entices the fish to eat, but make sure you don't add too many and try to remove uneaten worms in an hour or so.
2. LIVE brine shrimp. Not the best nutrition, but much better than nothing. These survive in salt water and swim around in an appealing way, again slow down or temporarily stop your filters %26amp; pumps so they don't all get sucked up.
3. FROZEN "cyclopeeze." Not the flaked stuff, he'll never go for it. This is a relatively new item, but good shops or mailorder houses will have it.
4. FROZEN "enhanced" brine shrimp. If he has taken to eating live brine, you may get him to eat the nutritionally-enriched frozen version, which is a good long-term solution if it works.
5. FROZEN mysis shrimp. Maybe, it's worth a try.
6. LIVE piece of green star polyp rock or rock with zooanthids on it. Your store may be willing to sell you a small or ugly piece of coral at a reduced price. If your tank conditions are good and the lighting is decent, it may survive long enough to be eaten.
How would stepping on a butterfly back in Dino age create giant lizards with monkey heads?
I watched a really weird sci-fi movie where these people went back in timee. They stepped on a butterfly and when they came back into the present, there were giant trex lizards with monkey heads.
Just for the fun of it and hypothetically how can stepping on a prehistoric butterfly change evolution drastically?
I KNOW it's not real! Come on humor me nerds!|||It might be possible that by stepping on that butterfly, a certain plant didn't get pollinated, and because that plant didn't get pollinated, some species of fruit never evolved, and without that fruit, some individual of a herbivorous species of dinosaur starved to death when it wouldn't have, and so it wasn't there to feed a T. rex, and so that T. rex didn't pass on its genetic heritage, but instead the T. rex's mutant monkey-faced relative did - a T. rex that wouldn't have passed on its heritage if the butterfly had survived.
It's exceedingly unlikely that such a chain of events would occur, but it's actually a bit more plausible than the original short story (by Ray Bradbury), where after the guy steps on a butterfly in the Cretaceous, they come back to the future to discover the Nazis won. WTF? What chain of events could possibly result in such a subtle change 65 million years down the line?|||well, the butterfly dies and a hungry t-rex comes along and eats it and gets a rare kind of food poisoning that makes its head fall off, so being the big strong monster it is, it rips off a monkey's head and replaces it's own with it and then they eventually evolve to be like that naturally as the monkey head is smarter.|||lol, when u step on a butterfly u crush its genes(DNA) and they reform into some new gene.
so, when the butterfly has sex, its newborn will have a completely new gene, which in time will adapt to its surroundings.
Now when this new butterfly has sex of its own it too will create a new bread i.e huge lizards etc.|||We can never really know, its fun to think about though :)
Just for the fun of it and hypothetically how can stepping on a prehistoric butterfly change evolution drastically?
I KNOW it's not real! Come on humor me nerds!|||It might be possible that by stepping on that butterfly, a certain plant didn't get pollinated, and because that plant didn't get pollinated, some species of fruit never evolved, and without that fruit, some individual of a herbivorous species of dinosaur starved to death when it wouldn't have, and so it wasn't there to feed a T. rex, and so that T. rex didn't pass on its genetic heritage, but instead the T. rex's mutant monkey-faced relative did - a T. rex that wouldn't have passed on its heritage if the butterfly had survived.
It's exceedingly unlikely that such a chain of events would occur, but it's actually a bit more plausible than the original short story (by Ray Bradbury), where after the guy steps on a butterfly in the Cretaceous, they come back to the future to discover the Nazis won. WTF? What chain of events could possibly result in such a subtle change 65 million years down the line?|||well, the butterfly dies and a hungry t-rex comes along and eats it and gets a rare kind of food poisoning that makes its head fall off, so being the big strong monster it is, it rips off a monkey's head and replaces it's own with it and then they eventually evolve to be like that naturally as the monkey head is smarter.|||lol, when u step on a butterfly u crush its genes(DNA) and they reform into some new gene.
so, when the butterfly has sex, its newborn will have a completely new gene, which in time will adapt to its surroundings.
Now when this new butterfly has sex of its own it too will create a new bread i.e huge lizards etc.|||We can never really know, its fun to think about though :)
How do you perserve a butterfly?
I found this perfect butterfly on my back porch and I want to save it. It's really beautiful, I love butterflies . How do I save it?|||If it is still alive you can preserve the species by letting it go. However, if it is dead you plan on killing it here are detailed instruction on how to preserve Butterflies.鈥?/a>|||Put it in silica gel, and place it on a good mounting board. I prefer to put a little glue on the head of a pin and attaching it to the abdomen, as oppose to piercing them.|||dead right . . put it in a heavy book to keep it flat or pin it down with straight pins good luck.鈥?/a>|||Put it in silica gel, and place it on a good mounting board. I prefer to put a little glue on the head of a pin and attaching it to the abdomen, as oppose to piercing them.|||dead right . . put it in a heavy book to keep it flat or pin it down with straight pins good luck.
How do I make a butterfly save in roller hockey?
I am a great dek hockey goalie. But when i attempt to make a butterfly save, one pad is face down on the ground and the other is just fine. I am starting to play roller hockey goalie, and I want to know how to make a butterfly save in roller hockey.|||If you have played in net on the ice, it's similar, but allow yourself more time because it's harder to "slide across" on wheels than on a stainless steel blade. As far as a transition from dek I'm really not sure - but you may want to ask this question on|||Try to catch him by his little wings.
How can I make a butterfly out of prom tickets?
My Girlfriend really likes butterflies, and prom is coming up so I was wondering if there is like a way to make a butterfly out of the two tickets, like origami or something?|||Google origami butterflies...I don't know how big your tickets are, but you could also make butterflies out of cool stationary with the tickets inside, or something.|||If you take them to Michaels or Jo Ann Fabrics they'll be able to make a collage or shadowbox with them.
How do you do a butterfly twist?
I keep trying to do the freakin butterfly twist and im getting nowhere. It always ends up being a butterfly kick. Someone pleassssseeee help me.|||You'll find a great tutorial on|||Can't give thumbs up yet but so this will have to do.
the site that rookybeats posted looks good
*****(x \
*___\ x \
(___)_)x \
(____)_) x\
(____)_) x \
*(___)_) x x \
Sorry thats the best i can do
the site that rookybeats posted looks good
*****(x \
*___\ x \
(___)_)x \
(____)_) x\
(____)_) x \
*(___)_) x x \
Sorry thats the best i can do
What is the meaning of butterfly decals on cars?
I have noticed a lot ofcars/vans with butterfly decals on them. Most that I see are Swallowtail Butterfly decals. is there a special significance to them?|||They are beautiful creatures, for one thing. But it may also refer to a popular book awhile back called Butterflies Are Free. Butterflies may mean freedom or having a free spirit. I'd like to think so for they live such a short time on this earth.|||I DON'T NO BUT I'VE SEEN THEM TOO.|||free spirit|||those ppl like butterflies|||Yes it means the driver/owner is of the female persuasion.
What goes on inside a chrysalis during a butterfly's metamorphosis?
I want to know what it would be like in a chrysalis, are there any fluids and if so, how a butterfly is able to breath in there. I also want to know how fast the transformation takes place, and the stages of the transformation, ect.|||Tissues common to both the larva and the adult (like the brain) are conserved as much as possible, while larval tissues of no use to the adult (like larval prolegs) are broken down by enzymes. The metabolites gained by breaking down tissues are then reorganized according to genetically programmed instructions into adult tissues. How fast the metamorphosis takes place depends on the species and the season.
Butterfly pupae have spiracles just like the larvae and adults do. Gas exchange takes place through the spiracles.|||I have read in science literature that the entire caterpillar is broken down into a gooey white substance and reformed into a butterfly. I find it absolutely amazing and it reassures me that if God can do that, he can do anything, including bringing Christ back to life.|||Butterflies undergo a complete metamorphosis while going through four different stages. This article explains the transformation that butterflies go through -鈥?/a>
Butterfly pupae have spiracles just like the larvae and adults do. Gas exchange takes place through the spiracles.|||I have read in science literature that the entire caterpillar is broken down into a gooey white substance and reformed into a butterfly. I find it absolutely amazing and it reassures me that if God can do that, he can do anything, including bringing Christ back to life.|||Butterflies undergo a complete metamorphosis while going through four different stages. This article explains the transformation that butterflies go through -鈥?/a>
If a butterfly in a insect what is a Caterpillar?
My duaghter asked me this a butterfly fits the discription of a insect (head thorax adomin and 6 legs) but what is a caterpiller? Orthopod ?|||A caterpillar is simply the juvenile form of a butterfly...its baby. Caterpillars do only have six legs, and the rest are some sort of muscular appendages.|||It's in the same family as butterflies and moths, Lepidoptera. It's not much, but I hope it helps.|||A baby insect...
Where can i find a person specialized in butterfly farming?
I am wanting to construct a butterfly farm and want to hire a specialist in this field. Where do I begin to find someone that can do the job?|||The experts you need will depend on where you live.
Most eco-friendly lanscapers, garden designers and horticultural types know what plants butterfly grubs need to eat (most butterfly grubs have specific food plants on which they lay their eggs) and can recommend food/nectar plants for the adult butterflies.
If you want to intensively breed butterflies for sale you need to advertise for a Lepidopterist. They are experts with caging, feeding and breeding.
If you want to import and export butterflies you will need a lawyer who knows the physanitary laws of different countries. A butterfly in one country can become a pest in another. In most countries there are laws about catching and transporting some butterfly types.
I would recommend that you contact botanists, colleges, universities and get their opinion on what courses the person should have done.|||I would enquire through your nearest zoo or botanical gardens . Both have the need to use such a person , ie food for birds and animals , and pollination of certain plants via specific butterflies . Worth a try . Good luck.
Most eco-friendly lanscapers, garden designers and horticultural types know what plants butterfly grubs need to eat (most butterfly grubs have specific food plants on which they lay their eggs) and can recommend food/nectar plants for the adult butterflies.
If you want to intensively breed butterflies for sale you need to advertise for a Lepidopterist. They are experts with caging, feeding and breeding.
If you want to import and export butterflies you will need a lawyer who knows the physanitary laws of different countries. A butterfly in one country can become a pest in another. In most countries there are laws about catching and transporting some butterfly types.
I would recommend that you contact botanists, colleges, universities and get their opinion on what courses the person should have done.|||I would enquire through your nearest zoo or botanical gardens . Both have the need to use such a person , ie food for birds and animals , and pollination of certain plants via specific butterflies . Worth a try . Good luck.
How do I get birds away from my butterfly garden?
I have my own butterfly garden and I've had over five caterpillars and the have all been eaten by birds. I live in ft myers Florida so there is a large population of birds. I love birds but not when they eat my caterpillars. I don't want to get rid of them entirely, just away from my garden. Thank you sooooo much for helping.|||Use old cd's, dvd's, etc. Thread them with clear fishing line through the center hole and hang them,singly or in groups from nearby tree limbs. If you're artistic, you can create something artsy like a mobile or a wind chime.The cd's act like round mirrors. As the air currents move the cd's the flash of light will startle the birds and chase them off without harming them.|||My honest suggestion is to purchase a polyethylene netting product.
It's used to protect fruit berries like blueberries, strawberries, raspberries from the birds. I use them on my berry bushes, and they do help a lot. You could throw a few over the plants in your butterfly garden where the caterpillars are to protect them from the hunting birds.
Check out the Hardware stores in your area or do an on line search.
Good Luck|||It isn't just the birds eating your caterpillars... wasps and spiders are partial to them also.
Most people that "raise" cats talk about bringing them indoors...
There's a butterfly house at Calloway gardens that has like a greenhouse where the plants are grown indoors, and the butterflies apparently never get to leave.鈥?/a>|||Put out some pink flamingos sometimes this helps for some reason, a vet told me to do this to get rid of the Muscovy ducks in my yard they are sooo destructive and filthy not to mention worked and they are cute|||Since the garden is outside.........there's NOT anything you can do about it. Anything growing outside - is fair game to anything living outside.|||We keep bird feed out for the birds.
It's used to protect fruit berries like blueberries, strawberries, raspberries from the birds. I use them on my berry bushes, and they do help a lot. You could throw a few over the plants in your butterfly garden where the caterpillars are to protect them from the hunting birds.
Check out the Hardware stores in your area or do an on line search.
Good Luck|||It isn't just the birds eating your caterpillars... wasps and spiders are partial to them also.
Most people that "raise" cats talk about bringing them indoors...
There's a butterfly house at Calloway gardens that has like a greenhouse where the plants are grown indoors, and the butterflies apparently never get to leave.鈥?/a>|||Put out some pink flamingos sometimes this helps for some reason, a vet told me to do this to get rid of the Muscovy ducks in my yard they are sooo destructive and filthy not to mention worked and they are cute|||Since the garden is outside.........there's NOT anything you can do about it. Anything growing outside - is fair game to anything living outside.|||We keep bird feed out for the birds.
Where could I visit one of the top butterfly conservatories in the country?
I want to take a special someone to a really nice butterfly conservatory...only thing is I haven't the slightest idea where the best ones are!|||In Canada and USA:
Niagara Parks Butterfly Conservatory in Ontario鈥?/a>
Butterfly Pavilion in Westminster Colorado
Niagara Parks Butterfly Conservatory in Ontario鈥?/a>
Butterfly Pavilion in Westminster Colorado
How could Jesus be similar to a butterfly?
I am doing a religion project for school, and I am making the comparison between Jesus and a butterfly. Any ideas? I was thinking maybe how Jesus resurrected and how a butterfly "resurrects" from a caterpillar to a butterfly, but I need a couple more ideas.|||That is not a good comparison.|||well... maybe you can do not Jesus but us (sinner) you can say how at first we caterpillar, all ugly and not able to fly (be with God) and only if the "caterpillar" gives up his old live and puts is trust in the hope of Jesus with it become a butterfly. maybe you can work that out a little more I was only giving you maybe a another way to work it out.
I love that you are going to do that for your school. you go girl!! I really hope it goes well. praying for you!|||You can describe in poetry how beautiful a butterflies wings are and paint all the colours of the wings with Jesus' love for us. His teachings and his compassion for even the people that crucified him, when he said to GOD ABBA, "Forgive them, they know not what they do". There is no one in this world more wonderful than JESUS CHRIST!|||A caterpillar changes, morphs. Jesus did change also, because the disciples didn't recognize Him at first, until He broke bread with them again. I'm thinking about how a butterfly is recognized but I can't come up with anything. Sorry|||The butterfly is in fact a better illustration of the church, but if you want to know the answer to this, ask Him. He'll tell you. Write it down, though, or you won't be able to remember what He says in your heart.|||Jesus came to show us the beauty of God's perfect love, and he never caused harm. A butterfly pictures this very concept, beauty and harmlessness.|||uhm i didn't know a caterpila resurects...u cud say...jesus as the caterpilla was Him walkin this earth...then when He becomes a butterfly...His worl on earth is done and He flies up to watching over us|||They both lived for a short time, hahahaha, but no Jesus didn't exist, sorry to burst your bubble.|||On his way to heaven, he floated like a butterfly, but when on earth he stung like a bee.|||No comparison. Jesus resurrected from the dead|||Well, specimens are pinned down and Jesus was nailed up.|||way too simplistic|||wings!|||And do you know what "Jesus" looks like in the first place?|||The caterpillar doesn't die in its cocoon. If you want to compare Jesus to something, compare him to a leprechaun or tooth fairy or some other mythical character.
I love that you are going to do that for your school. you go girl!! I really hope it goes well. praying for you!|||You can describe in poetry how beautiful a butterflies wings are and paint all the colours of the wings with Jesus' love for us. His teachings and his compassion for even the people that crucified him, when he said to GOD ABBA, "Forgive them, they know not what they do". There is no one in this world more wonderful than JESUS CHRIST!|||A caterpillar changes, morphs. Jesus did change also, because the disciples didn't recognize Him at first, until He broke bread with them again. I'm thinking about how a butterfly is recognized but I can't come up with anything. Sorry|||The butterfly is in fact a better illustration of the church, but if you want to know the answer to this, ask Him. He'll tell you. Write it down, though, or you won't be able to remember what He says in your heart.|||Jesus came to show us the beauty of God's perfect love, and he never caused harm. A butterfly pictures this very concept, beauty and harmlessness.|||uhm i didn't know a caterpila resurects...u cud say...jesus as the caterpilla was Him walkin this earth...then when He becomes a butterfly...His worl on earth is done and He flies up to watching over us|||They both lived for a short time, hahahaha, but no Jesus didn't exist, sorry to burst your bubble.|||On his way to heaven, he floated like a butterfly, but when on earth he stung like a bee.|||No comparison. Jesus resurrected from the dead|||Well, specimens are pinned down and Jesus was nailed up.|||way too simplistic|||wings!|||And do you know what "Jesus" looks like in the first place?|||The caterpillar doesn't die in its cocoon. If you want to compare Jesus to something, compare him to a leprechaun or tooth fairy or some other mythical character.
What does it mean to see a yellow butterfly with black spots for 3 days in a row?
I've been seeing a yellow butterfly with black spots for 3 days in a row already; can anybody tell me what this could mean? :/|||That it LIVES there! Nothing more or less.
No such thing as omens portents signs........just random meaningless chance.|||If you're hoping for some supernatural, fantastical phenomenon, there isn't one. It just means either there is a large population of them or a food source like others said. If it's in a different area every time, then they must have migrated to your area.|||You live near/have observed a population of yellow butterflies with black spots. It has no further meaning.|||Probably that this species of butterfly is common in your area. I see houseflies every day. What could that mean?|||Enjoy them! You might be on a migration path. It could also mean simply that you are being more observant than usual.|||That it found a source of food in your area and flies back to it.
No such thing as omens portents signs........just random meaningless chance.|||If you're hoping for some supernatural, fantastical phenomenon, there isn't one. It just means either there is a large population of them or a food source like others said. If it's in a different area every time, then they must have migrated to your area.|||You live near/have observed a population of yellow butterflies with black spots. It has no further meaning.|||Probably that this species of butterfly is common in your area. I see houseflies every day. What could that mean?|||Enjoy them! You might be on a migration path. It could also mean simply that you are being more observant than usual.|||That it found a source of food in your area and flies back to it.
What causes butterfly crackers to turn green and smoke when you shake them?
My brother left a container with about 5 butterfly crackers in his backpack for 3 months. When we opened them, they were all green and stuff. When we shook the container, and opened it, they SMOKED! Oh yeah, I'm pretty sure that they were wet before they were put into the container.|||They're moldy. The "smoke" is mold spores.
What is the song The Crow and the Butterfly about?
The song "The Crow and the Butterfly" by Shinedown. It is one of my favorite songs because it has so much emotion behind it, but I don't know what it's about.|||its about a girl who overdosed on drugs cause when he says
Just like a crow chasing the butterfly
Dandelions lost in the summer skies
When you and I were getting high as outer space
I never thought you'd slip away
I guess I was just a little too late
they were getting high and then he loved her and she died.
its about losing someone you love dearly.|||Brent Smith explained on a radio interview program, Rockline, that while the band was writing the new album, he had a dream about a mother whose son passes away. He wrote the song about the mom dealing with the death of her child and trying to move on.
|||Brent Smith explained on a radio interview program, Rockline, that while the band was writing the new album, he had a dream about a mother whose son passes away. He wrote the song about the mother dealing with the death of her child and trying to move on. (wikipedia)
Just like a crow chasing the butterfly
Dandelions lost in the summer skies
When you and I were getting high as outer space
I never thought you'd slip away
I guess I was just a little too late
they were getting high and then he loved her and she died.
its about losing someone you love dearly.|||Brent Smith explained on a radio interview program, Rockline, that while the band was writing the new album, he had a dream about a mother whose son passes away. He wrote the song about the mom dealing with the death of her child and trying to move on.
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|||Brent Smith explained on a radio interview program, Rockline, that while the band was writing the new album, he had a dream about a mother whose son passes away. He wrote the song about the mother dealing with the death of her child and trying to move on. (wikipedia)
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What is the penalty for first time offender for carrying a butterfly knife in NY?
My dumb *** boyfriend got caught with a butterfly knife on him today. Even though i told him numerous times not to carry it around he does not listen to me. Him and a bunch of his friends got arrested for something else but they couldn't hold them or charge them for that so they just let him go, but they found a butterfly knife on my boyfriend. This is his first offense.|||As long as he has no other arrests / convictions he will get a fine and probation|||Capitol punishment.
Where can i get extra screws for my butterfly knife?
I have a metal damascus butterfly knife and one of my screws broke because I tightened it to hard where can i get more screws for it? Please help!|||Take out the screws that are left. Go to your local hardware store, Lowe's, Home Depot, etc. and find some that are the correct size. My choices for screws would be either Stainless Steel, or Brass, depending on the color of the handles.|||ebay
What is the best way to breathe during butterfly stroke?
I am learning to do the buttterfly, and while I still don't feel comfortable with it, I have just started to get the rhythm of the arms and legs down. I can swim it decently if I don't come up for air, but when I do need to breathe, it not only breaks my stride competely, but I hurt my neck. I must be doing something wrong! Can anyone help me with tips for efficient breathing during the butterfly, or any other advice in improving this stroke? Thanks.|||the key to breathing properly in butter fly is to get your catch strong on the water. you should lift your head slightly just as you start pulling underwater and your head should be back down before you finish your stroke. Also, a strong kick can help because it helps you get your arms over and your head down. That is probably the reason your neck is getting sore also, because your head is staying up too long.
hope that helps :)|||Butterfly is the most difficult stroke to master of the four. While swimming butterfly you should not tuck your head, you will be creating resistance. You head must be in a neutral position, in line with your spine. You do not want to lift your head, your body should naturally lift with your momentum and with that a slight, very slight tilt of the head upward will provide sufficient time to breathe. BUT you must have momentum, so if you鈥檙e swimming butterfly slow, or not at a good pace you will have to force yourself to lift your head, thus leading to poor technique.|||you can actually breathe to the side when doing butterfly.
i mix it up....
breathing to the side actually takes less energy cause your not pulling your hole upper body out of the water.
hope that helps :)|||Butterfly is the most difficult stroke to master of the four. While swimming butterfly you should not tuck your head, you will be creating resistance. You head must be in a neutral position, in line with your spine. You do not want to lift your head, your body should naturally lift with your momentum and with that a slight, very slight tilt of the head upward will provide sufficient time to breathe. BUT you must have momentum, so if you鈥檙e swimming butterfly slow, or not at a good pace you will have to force yourself to lift your head, thus leading to poor technique.|||you can actually breathe to the side when doing butterfly.
i mix it up....
breathing to the side actually takes less energy cause your not pulling your hole upper body out of the water.
What is the proper name for a butterfly habitat?
If a bird habitat is an aviary, and a bee habitat is an apiary, what does one say when referring to a butterfly habitat?
As always your answers are appreciated.|||The word you seek is the word "Lepidopterarium". It includes all butterfly and moth habitats. Because of the complexity of this word, these are usually re named to something simpler like Pavilion. |||I believe a man made Butterfly Exhibit would be called a Butterfly Pavilion. That's what they are often called at Zoos and Insectariums.
Hope this helped to answer your question!|||dammit i so had this one....
+1 for don's answer
As always your answers are appreciated.|||The word you seek is the word "Lepidopterarium". It includes all butterfly and moth habitats. Because of the complexity of this word, these are usually re named to something simpler like Pavilion. |||I believe a man made Butterfly Exhibit would be called a Butterfly Pavilion. That's what they are often called at Zoos and Insectariums.
Hope this helped to answer your question!|||dammit i so had this one....
+1 for don's answer
How much can you trim back a butterfly bush?
One side of my butterfly bush is kinda heavy and has one fairly large stem. Would it be ok to cut it back drastically? Will it help it shape itself better come spring when it grows again? Also have one small start that I can now the right time or wait until spring?|||Prune in Spring or right after the last frost. You can cut way back and it will be fine. It will be more full when it starts to grow.|||One of my favorite plants. I cut it back by 2/3rd's - no problem. The reason for the lopsided growth is it's probably no getting enough sun on the one side therefore it stretchs and fills in on the sunny side. i had one do the same thing. It really needs 6 or more hours of sun for it's full glory.
I would wait until spring to move the small one.
Trimming the dead blooms off is really to neatin' it up. It also lets some energy go toward new blooms rather than making seeds.|||I cut mine down to a 12" stump last winter. It produced a bush about 6' high and wide, by flowering times. You could transplant almost anytime they're very difficult to kill.|||You can cut them back to about 18 inches without a problem.Wait until spring to move the other one.|||About 17-19 inchs along.
I would wait until spring to move the small one.
Trimming the dead blooms off is really to neatin' it up. It also lets some energy go toward new blooms rather than making seeds.|||I cut mine down to a 12" stump last winter. It produced a bush about 6' high and wide, by flowering times. You could transplant almost anytime they're very difficult to kill.|||You can cut them back to about 18 inches without a problem.Wait until spring to move the other one.|||About 17-19 inchs along.
What does a tiger butterfly tattoo represent?
Could someone out there with knowledge if tattoos explain this to me in detail. I know what butterfly tattoos mean, however what does a tiger butterfly tattoo mean? Thanks for responding.|||Nothing.|||None of any butterflies tattoos had meaning but it's just way too overdone...
What muscles are used during freestyle and butterfly in the upper body?
I am on the swimming team at my school and do sprints in the freestyle and butterfly. I had weak arms at the begining and wanted to get a head start this year and get some weight training in before so I can have faster times in the begining. What are the muscles to work on and what are some workouts I could do to get them stronger and more prepared?|||Lats, the muscles on your back below your shoulders, and definitely your shoulders. Also work out a lot of chest for butterfly and other parts of your back by doing rowing type exercises. Your triceps do a lot of work on your freestyle pull.
The 3 top muscles would be lats, triceps, and shoulders, but you really need to work out everything. Abs are very important in general and for your turns. Quads are good for your starts and pushes off the wall. Other parts of your legs for kick. Mak sure when you work out, work out everything.|||legs and core and back
use weights every day for atleast 20 min
focus on the legs and back for the most part, the core is important but your kick has to be the strongest.
The 3 top muscles would be lats, triceps, and shoulders, but you really need to work out everything. Abs are very important in general and for your turns. Quads are good for your starts and pushes off the wall. Other parts of your legs for kick. Mak sure when you work out, work out everything.|||legs and core and back
use weights every day for atleast 20 min
focus on the legs and back for the most part, the core is important but your kick has to be the strongest.
Can I keep a butterfly bush from getting too big?
I want to keep the butterfly bush relatively small, without hurting any of the flowers. I know they grow 6 to 12 feet, but I really don't want it to get that big. I planted it in my garden by my pool, along with other shrubs. I don't want to butterfly bush to "take over". Help.|||just prune it and watch it carefully as it grows. The best recommendation I ever heard though is to cut it back to the ground at the beginning of the season.
Then as it grows prune it into the shape and size you want.
Just be careful when you see it starting to bud|||Trim it the same way you'd trim hedges, but make sure to maintain the shape of the bush at the same time. Also, make sure to remove any dead leaves at the bottom of the bush.|||Just trim it back to the size you want
Then as it grows prune it into the shape and size you want.
Just be careful when you see it starting to bud|||Trim it the same way you'd trim hedges, but make sure to maintain the shape of the bush at the same time. Also, make sure to remove any dead leaves at the bottom of the bush.|||Just trim it back to the size you want
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